Combination of FEM and LCE methods for sustainable material selection and automated, AI-monitored preform production of FRP

Description: Within the framework of the "autoPre" project, innovative bio-based fiber-reinforced plastic composite materials and relevant preform manufacturing processes are being investigated by an interdisciplinary junior research group in close collaboration between the faculties of Mechanical Engineering and Economics and Business Administration at the Chemnitz University of Technology. Using the example of manufacturing of a fiber-reinforced composite component, an automated process chain and a methodology system for assessing its sustainability are to be developed and applied.
Motivation: The Saxon economy is facing the challenge of asserting itself in an increasingly competitive global market while simultaneously meeting sustainability expectations. In this context, bio-based fiber-reinforced composites (FRP) and their innovative, automated, resource- and cost-efficient manufacturing are becoming increasingly important. The development and provision of an application-oriented design of textile products combined with fully automated manufacturing of sustainable preforms using Life Cycle Engineering would unlock significant potential for both sustainability-focused economic development in Saxony and research into FRP materials and manufacturing processes, as well as their evaluation.
Objectives: The objective of the junior research group is to explore the reproducible, cost- and energy-efficient manufacturing of preforms for innovative and bio-based fiber composite components using Industry 4.0- and LCE-methods, in order to contribute to the development of low-carbon and sustainable manufacturing methods. In this context, the properties and characteristics of available bio-based material systems are examined, as well as their feasibility and suitability for FRP components evaluated. By linking the Finite Element Method (FEM) and Life Cycle Engineering (LCE), the focus is on facilitating the identification of material combinations with advantageous mechanical properties, low costs, and a reduced carbon footprint. Furthermore, the integration of image recognition and artificial intelligence is intended to contribute to the monitoring, digitization, and automation of the manufacturing process.
Within the scope of this project, the tasks of the Chair of Management Accounting and Control are focused on the following key areas:- Lifecycle-oriented sustainability assessment of fiber-reinforced plastic components within the framework of Life Cycle Engineering
- Identification of all relevant assessment elements (materials, processes) and conceptualization of design options
- Modeling of the life cycle of a FRP component
- Developing a methodology for sustainability assessment of the material mix and the entire FRP component throughout its life cycle
- Application of the methodology for lifecycle-oriented sustainability assessment
- Knowledge and technology transfer
Participating departments:
- Department of Textile Technologies (TT)
- Department of Lightweight Structures and Polymer Technology (SLK), Funded Research Group Textile Plastic Composites and Hybrid Compounds (TKV)
- Department of Assembly and Handling Technology (MHT)
This project is co-financed from tax revenues on the basis of the budget adopted by the Saxon State Parliament.

Funding period: 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2026
Link to the project homepage - Department Textile Technologies: to autoPre