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International Office of the Faculty
International Office of the Faculty

Courses offered in English Language

Course name   HRM Research
Lecturer, Professorship   Prof. Nina Katrin Hansen
Anja Ernst (M.Sc.)
Professorship for Personnel Management and Leadership Studies
Term   Winter
Course level   Graduate (Master)
CP (ECTS)   5
Course description  

The seminar is based on the summer lecture “Grundlagen und Handlungsfelder des HRM“. It builds on this introductory course and reflects on new state of the art research in conceptual basics, practices and new developments around the “Human Resource Management” in organizations. Two to four students build a group and have to pick one topic, read the quoted texts and prepare an oral presentation as well as a term paper on the respective topic.

Only for Master students with knowledge in Human Resource Management!

Further information on the course  

Please contact Ms. Anja Ernst

Sign-up procedure   You will find further information as well as the link for the registration at the chairs homepage.