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International Office of the Faculty
International Office of the Faculty

Courses offered in English Language

Course name   Resource Efficiency from an Economic Perspective
Lecturer, Professorship   Prof. Dr. Uwe Götze, Dr. Anja Schmidt 
Management Accounting and Control
Term   Winter
Course level   Graduate (Master)
CP (ECTS)   5
Course description  

Firstly, the course provides an overview of the integration of resources and resource efficiency in management theory. Thereafter, basing on the discipline-specific terms of resources and efficiency, methods of management accounting are presented which enable the determination and analysis of resource demand and, thus, also support the evaluation and controlling of resource efficiency. Specific topics are, among others:

  • Resources and resource efficiency in management theory
  • Production and cost theory
  • Cost accounting
  • Investment appraisal
  • Selected approaches of cost management
Further information on the course   See course website.
Sign-up procedure   See course website.