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Master Management & Organisation Studies



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Interview about Prof. Hüsig's MOS course

Interview on the MOS vision by Univ.-Prof. Dr. rer. pol. habil. em. Peter Pawlowsky


Innovation Management, Creativity and Consulting Methods (e.g. Design Thinking), Innovation Research Methods, Strategic Management & Technology Management, Interactive Case Studies, International Summer School on Sustainability & Innovation


International Human Resource Management, Knowledge Management, Strategic Human Resource Management, Continuing Education, Human Resource Development, Crisis Management, Team Management, Management and Leadership


Organisational theories; theories of strategic management; design of organisations and strategies in the context of international and global developments; approaches to environmental analysis and the development and evaluation of organisational and strategic options


Sustainability theories and concepts, sustainability strategies, sustainable and circular business models, special features of sustainability innovations, sustainability effects in innovation processes, evaluation tools and instruments, systemic process design, success factors of sustainability innovations, environmental policy and law, norms and standards