12th URSI Commission F Triennial Open Symposium
on Radio Wave Propagation and Remote Sensing
8 - 11 March 2011 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Alpine-Bavaria, Germany
Review and Keynote Presentations
The conference plans to feature keynote addresses and invited review presentations in order to reflect the current state-of-the–art. These review and keynote presentations will offer an excellent opportunity to both the young scientist and the expert to gain a first-hand
impression of the state-of-the-art developments in areas of propagation, remote sensing and related areas.
The keynote addresses will be on the areas of:
- Synthetic Aperture Radar Remote Sensing, Subject Area: TanDEM-X,
Speaker: Dr. Manfred Zink, DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany;
- Millimeter Wave Propagation,
Speaker: Prof. Thomas Kürner, TU Braunschweig, Germany.
The lead presentations / invited review presentations will cover:
- Space-Related Applications and Developments: Current and Future Developments,
Speaker: Bertram Arbesser-Rastburg, ESA-ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands;
- Modern Weather Radar Applications: Latest Weather Radar Developments,
Prof. V. Chandrasekar, Colorado State University, USA;
- Radiometry and Propagation for Radiometry: Passive Remote Sensing/Propagation Effects,
Prof. Roger Lang/Prof. Saul Torrico, Washington University, USA;
- Free-Space Optical Links: Tutorial on Developments in the Area of Free-Space Optical Links,
Speaker: Prof. Erich Leitgeb, Technical University of Graz, Austria;
- Polarimetric Weather Radar: Achievements to Date and What Next?
Speaker: Dr. Martin Hagen, DLR, Wessling, Germany;
- Synthetic Aperture Radar: Tutorial on SAR Principles and Applications,
Speaker: Prof. Wolfgang Keydel, Ex-Director DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany;
- Polarimetric and Multi-Parameter SAR Remote Sensing: A Topical Overview,
Speaker: Prof. Wolfgang-M. Boerner, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA;
- Radiometry for Meteorologists: Radiometry For Obtaining Atmospheric Parameters,
Speaker: Prof. Clemens Simmer, University of Bonn, Germany;
- Satellite Communications: Lead Talk on New Method for XPD-Prediction in Q/V-Band
Speaker: Prof. Aldo Paraboni, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy;
- Channel Sounding: Lead Talk on Channel Sounding: State-of-the-Art Issues
Speaker: Prof. Sana Salous, Durham University, Durham, U.K.;
- Automotive Sensors: Lead Talk on Modern Application(s) of Automotive Sensors,
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Gerd Wanielik, TU Chemnitz, Germany;
- Polarimetric SAR Images: Lead Talk on High-Definition Polarimetric SAR Images,
Speaker: Dr. Andreas Reigber, DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany;
- Microwave Radiometry: Lead Talk on Applications of Microwave Radiometry,
Speaker: Dr. Markus Peichl, DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany;
- Commercial Weather Radars Today: Present State-of-the-Art in the Commercial Sector,
Speaker: Dr. Frank Gekat, Gematronik, Neuss, Germany;
- FMCW Weather Radars: Polarimetric FMCW Radar Methods in Practice Today,
Speaker: Prof. Herman Russchenberg, TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands;
- Spectrum Allocation: Optimisation of International Allocations of the Broadcast Spectrum,
Speaker: Dr. Johannes Philipp, SWR, Stuttgart, Germany.
Emerging Session Areas:
As the above review presentations are also the lead talks of the individual sessions, they are also an indicator of the emerging session topics.
Sessions in almost all conference topics are poised to be represented at the conference.
Additionally, special sessions are also envisaged in the following areas:
- Propagation Effects in diverse Geo-Physical Environments,
- Radar Activities Taking Place in the Radar Sub Group of COST Action IC802.