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12th URSI Commission F Triennial Open Symposium
on Radio Wave Propagation and Remote Sensing
 8 - 11 March 2011 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Alpine-Bavaria, Germany

Draft Conference Program

Call for Papers

Abstract Template

Please send by e-mail

Registration Form

Registration Form

Training Workshops

On 7th March, one day before the conference begins, two training workshops (short courses) will be offered: To register for the workshops, please check the corresponding boxes on the registration form.

These workshops/short courses will offer excellent opportunities to newcomers and professionals alike to acquaint or re-acquaint themselves with technical knowledge required in dealing with issues of the current state-of-the-art. The workshop presentations will be specially tailored to match the knowledge requirements of scientists from diverse backgrounds, engineering or non-engineering alike.

Exceptionally: non-conference participants who wish to attend only the training workshops may do so. Persons interested should get in touch with the conference office.