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12th URSI Commission F Triennial Open Symposium
on Radio Wave Propagation and Remote Sensing
 8 - 11 March 2011 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Alpine-Bavaria, Germany

Draft Conference Program

Call for Papers

Abstract Template

Please send by e-mail

Registration Form

Registration Form

The following topics from areas of Remote Sensing, Propagation and Navigation will be considered:

Abstract submissions on all conference topics and their closely related fields are invited. The abstracts should contain the title of the paper, author list, and the address, e-mail contact, and phone number of the corresponding author(s).
The abstract should clearly indicate the relevant conference topic(s) and the scientific content of the proposed contribution. A one-page (A4) abstract will be sufficient.

Abstracts should be sent by latest the 31st January 2011 via . You are invited to use the following Microsoft Word Template: If you need a day or two of extra-time, please let us know. Abstracts reaching by February 1st will receive full consideration.
If you are a doctoral student under the age of 35, please be aware of the Young Scientist Program.

All presenting authors will have the opportunity to either submit extended abstracts or full post-conference papers in summer of 2011. All extended abstracts and full-papers will be published in Conference Proceedings on a CD-ROM. Full-paper submissions will also be eligible for consideration towards publication in a special issue of the Radio Science Journal.

For extended abstracts or full papers, please use the following template: