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17th International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy, September 24 - September 27, 2024

Artificial neural network for electrode diagnostic in EIS: biomedical application

Prof. Pasquale Arpaia & Ms. Francesca Mancino

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica, Università di Napoli Federico II, Naples, Italy


This tutorial focuses on the role of the embedded artificial neural network in supporting the identification of the partially detached electrode in a 4-wire measurement setup for bioimpedance spectroscopy. The use case is approached by presenting methods and techniques easily transferable to other problems within the impedance spectroscopy framework.
Some of the topics covered in this tutorial are:
  • Introduction to impedance spectroscopy and its biomedical applications;
  • Introduction to the basic concepts of artificial neural networks;
  • Practical implementation of a neural network to the case study;
  • Hints of embedded AI-based solutions.
All topics are supported by practical examples for better understanding of the proposed content.

Short biography:

Arpaia's photo Pasquale Arpaia is Full Professor of Instrumentation and Measurements at Department of Electrical Engineering and Information technology of University Federico II, Naples. He is Team Leader at CERN and Head of IMPALab (Laboratory of Instrumentation and Measurements for Particle Accelerators) and ARHeMLab (Laboratory of Augmented Reality for Health Monitoring) DIETI Excellence Department and Vice-Head of CIRMIS (Interdipartimental Center for Research on Management and Innovation in Health). He is Associate Editor of the Journals: Elsevier Computer Standards & Interfaces, IoP Journal of Instrumentation, MDPI Instruments (Co-Editor in Chief). He is scientific responsible of more than 30 awarded research projects, with related patents and international licences. He founded 4(+1) academic spin off companies. His main research interests are digital instrumentation and measurement techniques for Brain Computer Interfaces, Augmented Reality, magnets, superconductors, power converters and cryogenics of particle accelerators, evolutionary diagnostics, and ADC modelling and testing. In these fields, he published several book chapters, and about 250 scientific papers. His PhD students were awarded in 2006, 2010 and 2022 at IEEE I2MTC and in 2012 at IMEKO World Conferences.

Manzo's photo M. Sc. Rosanna Manzo received the M.Sc. degree in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy in 2023. She is a PhD candidate of Public Health and Preventive Medicine at University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy (XXXIX cycle). At the ARHeMLab laboratory (Augmented Reality Laboratory for Health Monitoring), she works on instrumentation for drug bioavailability measurements in diabetology. She is author of several research papers presented at international conferences and submitted to journals.

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