The International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy (IWIS) covers topics related (but not limited) to the following list:
- Fundamentals of Impedance Spectroscopy
- Energy Storage, Batteries and Fuel Cells
- Biomedical and Biological Applications
- Material Testing, Corrosion and Coatings
- Inductive, Capacitive, and Resistive Sensors
- Biosensors and Electrochemical Sensors
- Nano Electrochemistry
- Spectral Induced Polarisation
- Dielectric Materials and Nanocomposites
- Local Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
- Signal Processing and Modelling
- Instrumentation and Data Acquisition
- Data Processing and Consistency
- Electrochemical Mechanisms and Systems
- Impedance
Before submission:
- Please make sure that your paper meets the aims and scope of IWIS
- You are invited to submit a conference paper, which must be written in English, in a 2-column IEEE Conference format, and limited to six pages.
To summarize, the following criteria are required in IWIS paper:
Abstract: The paper must include an abstract that summarizes the key points of the paper in approximately 200-275 words. The abstract must begin with the word "Abstract," be in bold, and not include references or abbreviations.
Index Terms: The paper must include about four keywords or phrases that describe the content of the paper, separated by commas and listed in alphabetical order. The label "Index Terms" must be in italics, while the keywords should be in regular font.
Both the abstract and index terms should be formatted in 10-point Times New Roman, fully justified, and contained within one paragraph. The entire abstract should be in bold, while the label "Abstract" and "Index Terms" should be in italics. Additionally, the paper should be formatted in two columns with an 11-point font size, and equations should be centered and numbered consecutively.
Authors are advised to use the templates provided below
The submission should include state-of-the-art, the main idea of the contribution, reached results, and practical application
- Please use one of the following templates:
- Word Template (2 columns, for abstract and full papers)
- Word Template (1-column for abstracts only)
- LaTeX Template.
LaTeX Template Instructions (PDF, 63 KB) [Be sure to use the template's conference mode.]
- Please Create a zip file containing the Source file (Word/Latex) and the PDF for manuscript submission.
- Submissions can be made in the OpenConf. Please use the link below to register your contribution and upload the ZIP file.
Submission is not open yet. Please come back later
Submission guidelines:
1) Please go to the webpage and click on "Make Submission"
2) Fill in the details of your paper (paper title, authors' names)
When more authors are needed, click on "add author."
3) Please specify the corresponding (contact) author and topic areas
Please note that at least one topic should be selected.
4) Copy keywords and abstract from your paper. Add a password, which will later used to upload the document and address the reviews' remark (if applicable)
5) Click on Make Submission
You should now receive an email and be redirected to a similar page as follows:
If not, please check and correct the provided information.
6) Please either use the "upload" link from the email or page or click on "Upload file" from the OpenConf page
7) Please enter your submission ID and password, and then ensure the correct file detail before uploading
8) You will be notified if the submission is correctly received.
For questions, please use the contact form.