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17th International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy, September 24 - September 27, 2024

EIS Quality Indicators

Dr. Bogdan Petrescu

Senior Scientist, BioLogic, France


Short biography:

petrescu's photo

Bogdan Petrescu is a senior scientist with expertise in electrochemistry instrumentation, particularly for research and development of energy storage devices like batteries and supercapacitors. He currently works at BioLogic in Seyssinet-Pariset, France, where he leads the Innovation and Scientific Research team. Petrescu has over 20 years of experience in electrochemical instrumentation. He started his career as a teacher-researcher in 1992, teaching classes related to data acquisition, logic circuits, and instrumentation. He obtained a double PhD degree in electronics and electrochemistry from INP Grenoble and INP Bucharest in 2002 through a joint thesis program. After his PhD, Petrescu joined BioLogic in 2000 as an R&D engineer and team leader, working on electronics, computing, and measurement techniques for electrochemical instrumentation. He was promoted to Hardware R&D Manager in 2011, overseeing engineers in various technical domains. In 2014, he became R&D Manager, responsible for both hardware and software R&D activities related to electrochemical research tools and battery testers. In addition to his industry experience, Petrescu has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals and conferences on topics like impedance spectroscopy, battery testing, and instrumentation. He also holds several patents related to electrochemical measurement techniques and devices. Petrescu completed his Master's in Electrochemistry from INP Grenoble in 1997 and his Engineering degree in Information Processing from INP Bucharest in 1992. He has continued his education over the years through various technical trainings related to instrumentation, project management, and software programming. He is fluent in French, Romanian, and English.

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