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18th International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy, September 23 - September 26, 2025
18th International Workshop on Impedance Spectroscopy, September 23 - September 26, 2025 

Plenary Lectures

Prof. Lasia's photo
Prof. Andrzej Lasia
Emeritus Professor at the Chemistry Department, Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada
How does the solution resistance influence the electrochemical behavior of porous electrodes?


Mart Min's photo
Prof. Mart Min
Thomas Johann Seebeck Department of Electronics, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia
Bioimpedance Sensors in Cardiovascular Surgery


Marlen's photo
Prof. Marlen Arnold
Corporate Environmental Management Team, Chemnitz University of Technology
Impedance Spectroscopy and the Future of Sustainable Value Creation


Zhu's photo
Dr. Minshen Zhu
Research Center MAIN, Chemnitz University of Technology
A missing bridge between batteries and small-scale devices: sub-millimeter batteries