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Equality and Family
Links / Newsletter

Links / Newsletter

On this page, you can find information on different institutions and bodies concerned with equality policies.

The coordination centre was established by the Saxon ministry of science and art and supports Saxon colleges with the implementation of programmes for equality and family policies. In addition to that, it informs specialists of the belonging state ministries as well as those who hold a political office in Saxony. The newsletter of the coordination centre appears every month.
The state conference is the association of equal opportunities officers at Saxon universities and colleges. and universities. It represents equality policy concerns vis-à-vis the Saxon state government and within the Saxon state government and within the Federal Conference of Equal Opportunities Officers at Universities (BuKoF). The state conference meets twice a year.
The department of equal opportunities in education and research of the BMBF supports the Fif-Contact Point, to help female scientists who wish to become more engaged in European research. The contact point informs and gives female scientists advice on acquiring projects in the 7. EU-Research Programmes (7. FRP).
The competence centre Women in Science and Research (CEWS) is a competence centre of the GESIS Leibniz-Institution for Social Sciences and the national point of intersection for the implementation of equal opportunities for women and men in science and research in Germany.
The zwd-POLOTIKMAGAZIN focuses on politics, women and education. The society "Chancengleichheit e. V." is co-editor of the magazine, publishes articles equal opportunities and gender mainstreaming.
The dib has been advocating for women in technical careers for 25 years. With supporting with career and specialist questions, their main focus lays with the national and international lobby and community work.
JOBBöRSE.de has been working closely with hundreds of universities, cities and local regions for a long time and supports their partners with free of charge information and services on jobs and careers.
The service and information platform has been operational since the beginning of July at familienportal.de and informs families on many state-funded family services as well as on application procedures and legal regulations.