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Research Group Cognitive and Engineering Psychology
Research Group Cognitive and Engineering Psychology


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Collaborative project – Large-scale integrating project (FP7) Project number: 314050 Project title: eUropean naturalistic Driving and Riding for Infrastructure & Vehicle safety and Environment - UDRIVE Call (part) identifier: FP7-SST-2012-RTD-1


18 partners from 11 countries (SWOV, BASt, CDV, CEESAR, CIDAUT, DLR, ERTICO, FIA, IBDiM, IFSTTAR, KFV, LAB, Loughborough University, Or Yarok, SAFER at Chalmers, TNO, University of Leeds, VOLVO Trucks)

and Professorship of Communications Engineering at TUC





The UDRIVE project aims to contribute to developing in-depth knowledge on road user behaviour by conducting a large-scale European Naturalistic Driving (ND) study. Furthermore, the goal is to build one central database with the collected ND data, and performing targeted analyses in several areas. These areas are crash causation factors and associated risks; distraction and inattention; vulnerable road users; and eco-driving. The project intends to develop findings in four specific areas, notably: the identification of new and promising countermeasures; the potential of simple data acquisition systems for monitoring performance indicators over time; the improvement of driver behaviour models for road transport simulation; and the possibilities for commercial applications of naturalistic driving data.

During a two-year data collection effort, UDRIVE will collect information on 470 vehicles, each for one year: 240 passenger cars, 150 trucks, and 80 powered two-wheelers. All data, including video data showing the forward view and the view of the driver as well as GIS data, will be collected continuously to enable knowledge in the various research areas to be brought well beyond the current state of the art. The UDRIVE consortium consists of 19 partners and represents a good balance between different EU regions and various stakeholders. The consortium also represents a good balance between expertise on the various research areas and expertise on huge data acquisition and storage.

Chemnitz University of Technology is

  • leading and coordinating the definition of research questions
  • contributing to the performance indicators definition and preliminary analysis plan for the conduction of naturalistic driving tests
  • lead the piloting activities, testing the data acquisition system (focus on passenger cars)
  • responsible for performing video annotations from the naturalistic driving tests and extract the safety critical events for further analysis


Dr. Marta Pereira




Prof. Dr. Josef Krems, Dr. Tibor Petzoldt, Dipl. Ing. Philipp Lindner