Complex dynamic systems (M.Sc. Lungwitz)
How can people reach a better understanding of simple dynamic systems?
How can stock-flow systems be better represented graphically, to facilitate understanding?
Computer simulation of cognitive processes (Dr. Burkhardt, M.Sc. Titz)
Simulations of frequency and time judgement using neuronal networks
Characteristics of attention when making simple judgements (M.Sc. Titz)
What are the characteristics of attention when estimating time and frequency?
Statistical Methods (Prof. Sedlmeier)
Effect sizes, Multivariate Methods, Errors in meta-analysis, Resampling, Experimental single-case
Meditation research (Prof. Sedlmeier, MBA Mariadas, Dr. Matko)
What are the effects of meditation and yoga?, How can one measure these effects? How can one explain the effects of meditation?
Time perception (Dr. Winkler)
Which factors influence time perception?
Self-love (M.Sc. Henschke)
Which factors influence self-love? How can one measure self-love?