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Professorship Predictive Analytics
Prädiktive Verhaltensanalyse

Daniel Brand

Portrait: M.Sc. Daniel Brand
M.Sc. Daniel Brand
  • Phone:
    +49 371 531-38957
  • Email:
  • Office Hours:
    Please make an appointment via e-mail first.

Research Interests

  • Cognitive Modeling
  • Predictive Modelling of Human Reasoning
  • Syllogistic Reasoning
  • Information Systems


Professional Experience

  • since 02/2022: Research Assistant, TU Chemnitz, Professorship of Predictive Analytics
  • 02/2021 - 07/2021: Research Assistant, University of Southern Denmark, Department of Design and Communication
  • 07/2020 - 02/2022: Research Assistant, University of Freiburg, Cognitive Computation Lab
  • 05/2017 - 06/2020: Research Assistant, University of Freiburg, Center for Cognitive Science

Education and Qualifications

  • 2016: MSc. Computer Science, University of Freiburg
  • 2012: BSc. Computer Science, University of Freiburg


  • SS 2022: Lecturer, Seminar: Cognitive Ergonomics, TU Chemnitz
  • SS 2021: Assistant, Seminar: Cognitive Modeling, Cognitive Computation Lab, University of Freiburg
  • SS 2020: Assistant, Seminar: Cognitive Modeling, Cognitive Computation Lab, University of Freiburg
  • WS 2019/20: Assistant, Seminar: Cognitive Reasoning: Methods, Algorithms, and Statistics to Discern Human from Artificially Generated Data, Cognitive Computation Lab, University of Freiburg
  • SS 2019: Assistant, Seminar: Cross-Domain Modeling of Human Cognition, Cognitive Computation Lab, University of Freiburg
  • SS 2014: Tutor, Cloud Computing, Department for Databases and Information Systems, University of Freiburg
  • SS 2012: Tutor, Software Engineering, Department for Software Engineering, University of Freiburg


Current Projects

  • Automatische Prozessmodellgenerierung für Kognitive Modellierung [Automatic process model generation for cognitive modeling]

Previous Projects

  • FADEp. Intentionales Vergessen und Änderungen in Arbeitsprozessen: Ein prozesskonditional-orientierter Ansatz im Verwaltungs- und IT Kontext. [Website]
  • Freiraum 2022: MeMo: Stärkung der Metakognition und Motivation Studierender durch individualisierte Smart Personal Assistants [Website]


  • CCOBRA (Cognitive COmputation for Behavioral Reasoning Analysis) Framework: Online predictive modelling of human reasoning. [Website] [GitHub]
  • pyTailorshop: Python-based implementation of the Tailorshop simulation[GitHub]


  • Brand, D., Mittenbühler, M., & Ragni, M. (2022). Generalizing Syllogistic Reasoning: Extending Syllogisms to General Quantifiers. In J. Culbertson, A. Perfors, H. Rabagliati, & V. Ramenzoni (Eds.), Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 722–728). [PDF] [GitHub]
  • Todorovikj, S., Kettner, F., Brand, D., Beggiato, M., & Ragni, M. (2022). Predicting Individual Discomfort in Autonomous Driving. In J. Culbertson, A. Perfors, H. Rabagliati, & V. Ramenzoni (Eds.), Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 3103–3109).
  • von Stülpnagel, R., Findler, F., & Brand, D. (2022). Census-Based Variables Are Informative about Subjective Neighborhood Relations, but Only When Adjusted for Residents’ Neighborhood Conceptions. Sustainability, 14(8), 4434. doi: 10.3390/su14084434.
  • Ragni, M., Brand, D., & Riesterer, N. (2021). The Predictive Power of Spatial Relational Reasoning Models: A New Evaluation Approach. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.626292. [GitHub]
  • Brand, D., Riesterer, N., and Ragni, M. (2021). Unifying models for belief and syllogistic reasoning. In T. Fitch, H. Lamm, H. Leder, & K. Teßmar-Raible (Eds.), Proceedings of the 43th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2801–2807).[PDF] [GitHub]
  • Brand, D., Riesterer, N., & Ragni, M. (2021). Model-Based Explanation of Feedback Effects in Syllogistic Reasoning. In T. C. Stewart (Ed.), Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (pp. 16–22). University Park, PA: Applied Cognitive Science Lab, Penn State. [GitHub]
  • Mannhardt, J., Bucher, L., Brand, D., & Ragni, M. (2021). Predicting spatial belief reasoning: comparing cognitive and AI models. In T. C. Stewart (Ed.), Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (pp. 184–190). University Park, PA: Applied Cognitive Science Lab, Penn State. [PDF]
  • Riesterer, N., Brand, D., & Ragni, M. (2020). Feedback Influences Syllogistic Strategy: An Analysis based on Joint Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. In T. C. Stewart (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (pp. 223–228). University Park, PA: Applied Cognitive Science Lab, Penn State. [PDF] [GitHub]
  • Brand, D., Riesterer, N., & Ragni, M. (2020). Extending TransSet: An Individualized Model for Human Syllogistic Reasoning. In T. C. Stewart (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (pp. 17–22). University Park, PA: Applied Cognitive Science Lab, Penn State. [PDF] [GitHub]

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Talks and Poster Presentations

  • "Effect of Response Format on Syllogistic Reasoning" @ CogSci 2023. Online, July 2023. [poster]
  • "Uncovering iconic patterns of syllogistic reasoning: A clustering analysis" @ 21th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling. Online, July 2023. [slides]
  • "Do models of syllogistic reasoning extend to generalized quantifiers?" @ 20th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling. Online, July 2022. [slides]
  • "Model-based explanation of feedback effects in syllogistic reasoning" @ 19th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling. Online, July 2021. [talk]
  • "Unifying models for belief and syllogistic reasoning" @ 43th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Online, July 2021. [slides] [poster]
  • "How usable is Galaxy? A usability evaluation of Galaxy" @ 2019 Galaxy Community Conference (GCC2019). Freiburg, Germany, July 2019. [poster]
  • "Extending TransSet: An Individualized Model for Human Syllogistic Reasoning" @ 18th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling. Online, July 2020. [short slides] [talk]
