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Technische Informatik


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Anzahl: 5 10 25 50 100 Alle
Seiten: 1



Wolfram Hardt and Franz Rammig and Carsten Böke and Joachim Stroop and Achim Rettberg and Del Castillo and Bernd Kleinjohann and Jürgen Teich
IP-based System Design within the PARADISE Design Environment
IN Journal of Systems Architecture -- the Euromicro Journal, 2001.



Wolfram Hardt and Franz Rammig and Achim Rettberg and Bernd Kleinjohann and Marc André Wiese
The PARADISE Design Environment - Design Environment for parallel & distributed embedded RT systems
IN Design Automation Conference (DAC) University Booth - Demonstration and Poster Exhibition, June 2000.

Achim Rettberg and Wolfram Hardt
The PARADISE Design Environment
IN Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) University Booth - Demonstration and Poster Exhibition, March 2000.

Wolfram Hardt and Bernd Kleinjohann and Achim Rettberg
The Flysig Prototyping Approach
IN Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping, IEEE Computer Society, 2000.


Wolfram Hardt and Bernd Kleinjohann and Achim Rettberg and Lisa Kleinjohann
A new Configurable and Scalable Architecture for Rapid Prototyping Asynchronous Designs for Signal Processing
IN Proceedings of the 12th Annual IEEE International ASIC/SOC Conference, September 1999.

Wolfram Hardt and Achim Rettberg and Bernd Kleinjohann
The PARADISE design environment
IN 1st New Zealand Embedded System Conference, July 1999.


Wolfram Hardt and Achim Rettberg
Towards an Automated Approach for Design of Testable Dataflow-Oriented Delay-Insensitive Processors
IN 1st International Workshop on Design, Test and Applications, IEEE Computer Society, June 1998.

Seiten: 1