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Technische Informatik


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Seiten: 1



Johannes Lessmann and Wolfram Hardt and Frank Kelso and Wolfgang Thronicke
An XML Format based Integration Infrastructure for IP based Design
IN Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems Design (SBCCI), page 119 - 124, IEEE Computer Society, September 2003. ISBN: 0-7695-2009-X


Martin Schaaf and Ralph Bergmann and Rainer Maximini and Marco Spinelli and Johannes Lessmann and Wolfram Hardt and Stefan Ihmor and Wolfgang Thronicke and Jasmin Franz and Carsten Tautz and Ralph Traphöner
IPCHL - A Description Language for Semantic IP Characterization
IN Best of FDL'02, System Specification & Design Languages, September 2002.



Johannes Lessmann and Stefan Ihmor and Wolfram Hardt and Wolfgang Thronicke
Specification of a Toolbox for the IP Qualifying Format
University of Paderborn, Informatik- und Prozesslabor, Warburger Strasse 100, 33098 Paderborn, Germany, January 2002.


Wolfram Hardt and Ralph Bergmann and Ivo Vollrath and Martin Schaaf and Andreas Vörg and Natividad Martínez Madrid and Ralf Seepold and Martin Radetzki and Wolfgang Thronicke and Steffen Rülke and Carsten Tautz and Ralph Traphöner and Vasco Jerinic and Dietmar Müller and Robert Siegmund
Requirements on the IP Qualifying Format
University of Paderborn, Informatik- und Prozesslabor, Warburger Strasse 100, 33098 Paderborn, Germany, August 2001.

Seiten: 1