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Technische Informatik

Concept of the Comprehension Level of Situation Awareness using an Expert System

Julkar Nine | Wolfram Hardt | Shanpugapriyan Manoharan
Oktober 2019

Quelle14th International Forum on Strategic Technology (IFOST) S. 284 - 288
EinrichtungTomsk Polytechnic University
Lenin Ave 30
634050 Tosmk
VerlagIEEE Computer Society
AdresseTomsk, Russland
Schlüsselwörter, Situation Awarensss, PiCAN2, CEBox, Perception, Comprehension, Projection, Raspberry Pi, Expert System
ZusammenfassungOne of the major hurdles in high level autonomous driving is the integration of software that has the ability to understand its surrounding situations. Situation awareness is to perceive information, take actions based on that perception and to predict the future events based on the taken actions. Mica R. Endsley introduced the term ”Situation Awareness” where the concept was applied only for humans. Expert Systems, on the other hand is a rule based system that is used to make critical and fast decisions. In this paper a concept on the comprehension (understanding) level of situation awareness using an expert system is presented for high level autonomous vehicles. This concept will be realized on the ”CE-Box” component of the hardware demonstrator ”BlackPearl” from the department of Computer Engineering in TU Chemnitz. Perception is done with the help of sensing data from the sensors from the ECU’s of ”BlackPearl”. This data is provided to the comprehension level to make an assessment and take a decision. The goal of this paper is to provide a conceptual method to extract these decisions based on an expert system.
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