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Marcel Hansmann - Faculty of Mathematics, Professorship Analysis

Short Curriculum Vitae

Since 10/2020: "wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter" at TU Chemnitz (permanent position)
07/2018: Habilitation at TU Chemnitz
04/2017-09/2020: Head of the DFG research project 'Eigenvalues of compactly perturbed operators in Banach spaces' (German research foundation, Program "Eigene Stelle") at TU Chemnitz (see http://gepris.dfg.de/gepris/projekt/320146460?language=en).
04/2016-09/2016: Substitute professor at the University of Oldenburg.
2010-2017: PostDoc in the analysis group of Prof. P. Stollmann at TU Chemnitz.
11/2010: Award for best Dissertation (Verein von Freunden der TU Clausthal)
02/2010: Promotion (PhD) at TU Clausthal.
2005-2010: Graduate studies at TU Clausthal (Supervisor Prof. M. Demuth).
03/2005: Diploma in mathematics at TU Clausthal.
2000-2005: Study of mathematics with minor computer science at TU Clausthal.