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Faculty of Mathematics
Faculty of Mathematics
Faculty of Mathematics 

Foundations in Data Science


  • Degree: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  • Standard period of study: 6 semesters
  • Start: Winter and summer term
  • Application deadline (winter semester): mid-September (German degree) & mid-July (foreign degree)
  • Admission: without admission
  • Faculty: Mathematics (and Informatics)
  • Languages: mainly English

Our strengths

  • Good supportive environment: A family environment where everyone knows everyone and you will always be helped quickly.
  • Industry and practice orientated: Co-operations with companies for your university projects and extensive working student opportunities.
  • No programming requirements: You don't need to know a specific programming language, a few basic skills and motivation for programming are enough.
  • Uncomplicated authorisation: Your application will be reviewed quickly and individually so that you don't have to wait long for a decision.
  • Stay abroad: You can easily study abroad with Erasmus+ (e.g. Trinity College Dublin) and have your courses recognised. You can find our partner universities and further information on our Erasmus programme website.

From Bachelor to Master

After completing the bachelor program in mathematics, you can pursue your studies with a master in


Portrait: Prof. Dr. Philipp Reiter
Prof. Dr. Philipp Reiter

Foundations in Data Science

Mathematical Foundations ECTS Computer Science Foundations ECTS Language Foundations
1. sem. Advanced Mathematics 1 10 Digital Engineering 1 5 German or English up to niveau C.1
(5 ECTS per semester)
Math. Training I 5 Introduction to Computational Machine Learning 5
2. sem. Advanced Mathematics 2 10 Digital Engineering 2 5
Math. Training II 5 Math. Programming 5
3. sem. Advanced Mathematics 3 10
Math. Modelling 10
Applied Optimization 5
4. sem. Advanced Mathematics 4 10 Statistical Modeling 5
Numerical Methods 10
Specialization ECTS
5. sem. Proseminar 5
Compulsory Elective Modules 20
6. sem. Compulsory Elective Modules 10
Bachelor Thesis 15

Admission requirements:

Admission to the Bachelor's degree programme requires a successfully completed Abitur (A-levels) and English language skills at level B2 (GER).

Required German language skills for international prospective students:

No knowledge of German is required for admission. However, as German courses are an integral part of the programme, students without proven German language skills must take corresponding language modules. Depending on the entry level, these lead to at least language level B1/B1+ (GER).


Applicants should be familiar with the General University Entrance Qualification subject matter in Germany. Every applicant should therefore be able to pass the test in this link.


To apply, you should definitely take a subject-specific entrance test. You can start this test here.
Please save the results of this test as a pdf file. You should then upload this file in the application process.


Deadlines for applications are: 15th of July (applications for fall term, starting October 1st), 15th of January (applications for spring term, starting April 1st)
Apply as early as possible, at least 8 weeks before the deadline.


Some general information for international students at TU Chemnitz.


Please note that applications with incomplete application documents will not be evaluated!


Visa for international students: As an international student, you need a visa and proof of sufficient funds. The visa process can take several months, so we recommend applying for a visa in good time. You can usually make an appointment to apply for a visa before you receive your admission letter. But you will definitely need your admission letter at the appointment. Learn about the specific documents required for your visa application, the required level of financial proof, and the available funding options for your studies in Germany. More information about Student Visa Germany and Blocked Account

Data scientists are characterised not only by their sound theoretical and practical knowledge, but also by their ability to think logically and abstractly, proceed analytically, communicate precisely, show perseverance in solving complex problems and work effectively in a team. These skills are at the heart of the Foundations in Data Science degree programme in Chemnitz, which also stands out due to its particularly high proportion of mathematics. It is precisely these skills, combined with in-depth mathematical training and state-of-the-art data analysis methods, that open up excellent career prospects for graduates. Another core feature of the degree programme is the close link between mathematics and computer science. This combination enables students to master data-based challenges in practice and to analytically solve complex problems from various fields of application. In the age of digitalisation, in which data increasingly forms the basis for decisions and innovations, interdisciplinary collaboration between mathematics, computer science and applied sciences is becoming more and more important. The Data Science degree programme in Chemnitz therefore offers numerous options in technical, natural and social science minor subjects to promote these links.

Graduates of the Bachelor's degree programme in Data Science are versatile and can find exciting career opportunities for example in the following industries and fields of activity:
  • Data analytics and business intelligence
  • Management and IT consulting
  • Banks and financial services
  • Technology centres and high-tech companies
  • Software development and artificial intelligence
  • Telecommunications and network analysis
  • Medical data analysis and bioinformatics
  • Logistics and supply chain optimisation
  • Automotive industry and smart mobility
Graduates of the advanced Master's programme in Data Science also have the best prerequisites for management positions in business or for an academic career in research and teaching. Thanks to the high demand for data science skills, the unemployment rate in this field is extremely low. According to gehaltsreporter.de, starting salaries Saveraged 55,790 euros gross.

About the study programme

In principle there is no particular prerequisite. You should have a good understanding of mathematics, be curious, and enjoy to be engaged in complex problems.
The complimentary online admission test provides some feedback on your mathematical precognition. We strongly encourage you to complete it before applying.
You don't necessarily need to know a specific programming language, but you should have some prior knowledge and motivation for programming.
The main focus is on Python, but R, Julia and Matlab are also used.
We recommend the winter semester, but in principle it is also possible in the summer semester.
No, there are courses in the degree programme to learn German up to level C.1.

Studying in Chemnitz

Prof. Dr. Martin Stoll
Dipl. Math. Chemnitz, PhD Oxford, University of Oxford, MPI Magdeburg
Numerical Linear Algebra, Numerical Analysis, Data Science
Matrix Methoden in Data Science, Numerische Lineare Algebra, Numerik
Prof. Alois Pichler PhD
Studium Math. und Physik Universität Wien, PhD Universität Wien, tätig in der Versicherungindustrie
Statistics and Probability Theory, Optimization under Uncertainty, Finance, Risk Theory
Statistische Methoden in Data Science, Stochastische Optimierung
Prof. Dr. Oliver Ernst
Dipl. Math. Karlsruhe, PhD Stanford, University of Maryland, TU Freiberg
Uncertainty quantification, Numerical Linear Algebra, Numerical Analysis
Einführung Data Science, Uncertainty quantification, Numerische Lineare Algebra
Prof. Dr. Uta Freiberg
Dipl. Math. HU Berlin, PhD FSU Jena, La Sapienza Rom, ANU Canberra, Uni Stuttgart
Stochastic processes, Fractals, Energy forms
Stochastik, Stochastische Prozesse, Fraktale
Prof. Dr. Christoph Helmberg
Dipl. Ing. TU Graz, PhD TU Graz, Zuse Institut Berlin
Discrete Optimization, Semidefinite Programming, Convex Optimization
Diskrete Optimierung, Graphentheorie, Nichtlineare Optimierung
Prof. Dr. Daniel Potts
Dipl. Math. Rostock, PhD Lübeck,
Fourier Analysis, NFFT, Fast summation methods, Big Data Learning
Sparse and High-Dimensional Approximation, Einführung in die Fourier-Analysis
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman
Dipl. Math RWTH Aachen, PhD RWTH Aachen, Catholic University of Louvain
Economic Equilibrium Analysis, Nonsmooth Optimization
Big Data Analytics, Mathematik im Investmentbanking
Study documents (Draft version)
Study advisor
Portrait: Prof. Dr. Philipp Reiter
Prof. Dr. Philipp Reiter