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Faculty of Mathematics
Public relations
Faculty of Mathematics 

Public relations

January 9 Open-door day
January 13 Teacher training program Stochastik Rh39/638
April 5 7th day of mathematics
June 5 Gauß Lecture

January 11 Open-door day
Prof. Dr. Philipp Reiter: Vortrag "Mathematik und MINT – zukunftssicher Studieren"
Prof. Dr. Uta Freiberg: Vortrag "MINT studieren: Ablauf und Perspektiven"
Tom Riemer: "Machine Learning Labor"
March 4 - 8 Interdisciplinary lessons, Dr. Frank Göring
Berufliches Gymnasium Flöha and BSZ für Technik und Wirtschaft "Julius Weissbach" Freiberg
March 11 - 22 Interactive exhibition Experience Mathematics & Technology
Contact: Dr. Frank Göring
March 23 6th day of mathematics
April 25 Lecture series "Kulturgut Mathematik und ..." - Prof. Dr. Oliver Ernst
Judex non calculat
June 18 Lecture series "Kulturgut Mathematik und ..." - Prof. Dr. Peter Stollmann
Deutsche Mathematik im Dritten Reich zwischen Rassismus und Antisemitismus
September 24 Lecture series "Kulturgut Mathematik und ..." - Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman
Kulturgut Mathematik und Religion, in cooperation with the Römerforum der Katholischen Akademie, Peter-Breuer-Gymnasium, Georgenstraße 3, 08056 Zwickau
November 7 Lecture series "Kulturgut Mathematik und ..." - Prof. Dr. Christoph Helmberg
Es kann und muss nicht immer alles optimal sein!
December 19 Christmas lecture - Prof. Dr. Uta Freiberg
Macht hoch die Tür, Tor 3 macht weit! - Das Ziegenproblem und andere Paradoxien der Stochastik

January 12 Open-door day
Prof. Tino Ullrich: Vortrag "Mathematik und Signalverarbeitung"
February 24 - 26 State tour of the Mathematics Olympiad in Leipzig
Contact: Dr. Martin Schäfer
March 1 - 2 Interdisciplinary lessons
Dr. Frank Göring and Berufliches Gymnasium Flöha
March 20 - 31 Interactive exhibition Experience Mathematics & Technology
Contact: Dr. Frank Göring
April 1 5th day of mathematics
April 21 - 23 11. Adam-Ries-Kolloquium in Annaberg-Buchholz - Rechenkunst und Mathematik in der frühen Neuzeit
Contact: Dr. Frank Göring
July 4 Lecture series "Kulturgut Mathematik und ..." - Prof. Dr. Philipp Reiter
Kann Mathematik helfen, ein wirklich faires Wahlverfahren festzulegen?
October 25 Lecture series "Kulturgut Mathematik und ..." - Prof. Dr. Batu Güneysu
Mathematik und Ästhetik
December 21 Christmas lecture - Prof. Dr. Martin Stoll
Komplexe Netzwerke und das Kleine-Welt-Phänomen

March 28 - April 01 Interdisciplinary lessons
Dr. Frank Göring and Berufliches Gymnasium Flöha
April 2 4th day of mathematics
June 11 University Information Day TUCdiscover
Prof. Jan-Frederik Pietschmann: Lecture "Study Mathematics or MINT in Chemnitz"
June 27 - July 22 Interactive exhibition Experience Mathematics & Technology
Contact: Dr. Frank Göring
November 1 Lecture series "Kulturgut Mathematik und ..." Das salomonische Urteil im mathematischen Kontext - Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman
December 15 Christmas lecture - Prof. Dr. Horst Martini
Geometrie durch die Jahrhunderte...

April 24 3rd day of mathematics
June 15-18 Virtuelle TUCtage | #tucdiscover
September 23 Lecture Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman
December 14 Christmas lecture - Prof. Dr. Jan.-F. Pietschmann
Crunchtime - mathematische Aspekte im Basketball

January 09 Open-door day
Dr. Max Winkler: Lecture "Skin soaps as minimal surfaces"
February 21-23 State tour of the Mathematics Olympiad in Chemnitz
Contact: Prof. apl. Karla Rost
March 9-13 Interdisciplinary lessons
Dr. Frank Göring and Berufliches Gymnasium Flöha
March 16-27 canceled Interactive exhibition Experience Mathematics & Technology
Contact: Dr. Frank Göring
March 23-27 canceled Interdisciplinary lessons
Dr. Frank Göring and Johannes-Kepler-Gymnasium Chemnitz
March canceled Selection seminar for the Saxon participants to the Federal Round of the Mathematics Olympiad in Sayda
April 14-17 Experience mathematics anew with MDR WISSEN - Livestream from MDR WISSEN with Dr. Frank Göring
April 24-26 Co-organizer of the scientific colloquium The development of the mathematics in the early modern period in Annaberg-Buchholz
April 25 canceled 3rd day of mathematics
May 17-20 canceled 59th Federal Round of the Mathematical Olympiad (BMO) in Bonn
Proofreaders/coordinators: Prof. Dr. Daniel Potts, Dr. Frank Göring, Laura Lippert
June 11-17 Discover Chemnitz University of Technology from Home!
November 11 Regional Round of the Mathematics Olympiad
Contact: Dr. Ralf Hielscher
December 17 Christmas lecture - Prof. Dr. Alois Pichler
Harmonices mundi – die Entdeckung der Weltharmonie

January 10 Open-door day
Prof. Dr. Martin Stoll: Lecture "From Amazon to Netflix: The Mathematics of Data"
March 02-03 State Round of the Mathematical Olympiad in Leipzig
Proofreaders: Dr. Frank Göring, Dr. Ralf Hielscher, Prof. apl. Karla Rost und Kurt Klement Gottwald
March 04-15 Interactive exhibition "Experience Mathematics & Technology"
March 11-15 Interdisciplinary lessons
Dr. Frank Göring and Berufliches Gymnasium Flöha
March 25-28 Selection seminar for the Saxon participants to the Federal Round of the Mathematical Olympiad in Sayda
Seminar leader: Dr. Frank Göring, Dr. David Wenzel
March 25-29 Interdisciplinary lessons
Dr. Frank Göring and Johannes-Kepler-Gymnasium Chemnitz
April 6 2nd day of mathematics
May 4 Open-door day
Prof. Dr. Tino Ullrich: Lecture "Mathematics and Signal Processing"
May 4 Long Night of Science
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman: Lectures
"Democracy or autocracy: what does the probability calculation say?"
"Google/Facebook/Amazon: mathematical secret from BIG DATA"
May 12-15 58th Federal Round of the Mathematical Olympiad (BMO) in Chemnitz
June 18-19 vocatium Chemnitz,advice: Dr. Frank Göring, Eric Legler
June 25 Lecture at the BSZ Leipzig Land, Dr. Holger Langenau, topic: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
June 26 Lectures Gymnasium Waldenburg, Frank Göring, topic: MINT

Research camp of the Gymnasium Pirna at Chemnitz University of Technology
Lecture Dr. Uwe Schwerdtfeger: "Highway Game and Price of Anarchy"
June 27 Attendance of two advanced courses of the Dr.-Wilhelm-André-Gymnasium at the faculty
September 19 Support of the math camp at Gymnasium Burgstädt by Dr. Frank Göring
October 10 Educators
Prof. Dr. Alois Pichler, Dr. Dana Uhlig - Assessment statistics in upper secondary education
November 13 Regional Round of the Mathematics Olympiad
Contact: Dr. Ralf Hielscher, jury: Dr. Frank Göring
November 26 study information day Hoyerswerda
Lecture Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman: Studying mathematics in Chemnitz
December 19 Christmas lecture - Dr. Ralf Hielscher
Colorful colored ice crystals

January 11 Open-door day
Dr. Frank Göring, Lecture "Price of Anarchy: If everyone thinks of themselves, is everyone thought of?"
March 05-08 Interdisciplinary lessons
Dr. Frank Göring and Johannes-Kepler-Gymnasium Chemnitz
March 05-16 Interactive exhibition "Experience Mathematics & Technology"
May 05 Open-door day / Long Night of Science
Prof. Vladimir Shikhman, Lecture "Democracy or Autocracy: What does the probability calculus say?"
Dr. Sina Brunsch, Lecture "Self-driving cars? But safe!"

Dr. Frank Göring, Long Night of Science: Puzzle and craft route

June 06-07 vocatium Chemnitz, advice: Dr. Frank Göring
June 23 1st day of mathematics
October 04 Educators
Prof. Dr. Alois Pichler, Dr. Dana Uhlig - Assessment statistics in upper secondary education
December 17 Christmas lecture - Jun.-Prof. Dr. Christian Lehn
The number π, a number that Euler and Gauss did not know

January 12 Open-door day
Prof. Alois Pichler, Lecture "Financial Mathematics -- from theory to practice"
March 06-17 Interactive exhibition "Experience Mathematics & Technology"
March 27-31 Interdisciplinary lessons
Dr. Frank Göring and Johannes-Kepler-Gymnasium Chemnitz
May 11-12 vocatium Chemnitz, advice: Dr. Frank Göring, Michael Quellmalz
May 20 Open-door day / Long Night of Science
Dr. Andreas Günnel, Lecture "Ice detection on rotor blades"

In the evening in combination with museum night:
Mathematical handcrafts and gadgets as well as alternating lectures

Dr. Frank Göring, "Mathematics twisted" (Mathematics of Rubik’s Cube: How do you find the right combinations of rotations with which sliding fixes, Rubik’s Cube and the like can be solved?)

Anja Hähle, "Speedy Mathematics" (Discrete Optimization in Rail Transport: How does modern mathematics help to save time and energy in rail transport?)
December 21 Christmas lecture - Prof. Dr. Peter Stollmann
Alternative facts about summation

January 04 Open-door day
Dr. Dana Uhlig, Lecture "The Trace of Money"
February 24-March 07 Interactive exhibition "Experience Mathematics & Technology"
March 07-11 Interdisciplinary lessons
Dr. Frank Göring and Johannes-Kepler-Gymnasium Chemnitz
May 25-26 vocatium Chemnitz, advice: Dr. Frank Göring, Dr. Andreas Günnel
May 28 Open-door day
Dr. Christoph Schumacher and colleagues, Lecture/Special "Die Mathematics of the Juggler"
December 08 Christmas lecture - Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman
In the Wichtel-parliament - Political power games from a mathematical perspective

Public relations is supported by:


Portrait: Dr. Frank Göring
Dr. Frank Göring