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Faculty of Mathematics
Faculty of Mathematics
Faculty of Mathematics 

Financial and Business Mathematics, Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

The bachelor degree program in financial and business mathematics is accredited since 2022.
Standard period of study: 6 semesters
Start of studies: usually with the fall term
Entrance requirement: general higher education entrance qualification (Abitur, A level, high-school diploma) or subject-linked eligibility of university admission or master craftman or an equivalently approved university admission.


There is no admission restriction for this degree program. Application is made online. The respective study program is called "Finanz- und Wirtschaftsmathematik". Applications can be sent in until shortly before the start of the semester, see also term deadlines.

From Bachelor to Master

After completing the bachelor program in financial and business mathematics, you can pursue your studies with a master in mathematics, data science or finance.
Mathematics is a science that uses logic to examine self-created abstract structures for their properties and patterns through logical definitions. Students receive the sound fundamental training in Analysis and Linear Algebra. In addition, the program is characterized by the teaching of basic skills in various disciplines of Business and Financial Mathematics (Optimization, Stochastics, Statistics), which are shaped by their application in economics and finance and are taught over the course of the program. They are essential for the confident handling of financial products, actuarial mathematics or the modern theory of financial markets. In addition, they enable the successful handling of problems from economics, logistics, trade or industry, as is common in operations research with the aid of mathematical modeling. In addition, there is an initial opportunity to specialize a little further in one area. The inclusion of financial and economic subjects, such as finance, accounting, micro- and macroeconomics, production and procurement management, is a special feature of this course, which is mathematical at its core. Already in mathematical compulsory modules, emphasis is placed on a clear reference to applications in finance and economics.
1. to 4. sem. Basics
(Calculus, Linear Algebra, Measure and Integration Theory, Vector Analysis, Ordinary Differential Equations, Micro- and Makroeconomics, Operations Management, Finance)
2. sem. Computer Programming
3. to 6. sem. Advanced Mathematics
(Optimization, Numerical Mathematics, Mathematical Models in Economics, Stochastics, Mathematical Statistics, Financial Markets, Applied Statistics)
4. to 5. sem. Advanced Economics and Finance
4. sem. Proseminar
5. to 6. sem. Specialization
5. sem. Foreign Language
6. sem. Computer Practical Training
6. sem. Bachelor Thesis
Mathematics plays an increasingly important role in banking, credit and insurance, in the financial and capital markets, in asset management, in management consulting and risk management, in production and logistics, in energy supply and transport, in development and planning departments of large corporations, in market research and in the development of business software tools. The professional goal of the program is to provide graduates with knowledge and skills that will enable them to enter the workforce as specialists and generalists in the banking, credit and insurance sectors as well as in planning departments in industry, commerce (logistics companies, energy suppliers, mail order companies, etc.), the construction and transport industries and the public sector, software companies, business and management consultancies and as players in the financial and capital markets.
Regulations and documents Miscellaneous
Academic advisor
Portrait: Prof. Dr. Alois Pichler
Prof. Dr. Alois Pichler
Portrait: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman