Excellent paper award at 18. CIRP Conference on Electro and Physical Machining (ISEM XVIII)
For his paper "Plasma Electrolytic Polishing – an Overview of Applied Technologies and Current Challenges to Extend the Polishable Material Range", Dr. Henning Zeidler was awarded an Excellent Paper Award at 18. CIRP Conference on Electro and Physical Machining (ISEM XVIII).
Since its foundation in 1960, ISEM conference takes place every three years and is now held under the auspices of the International Academy for Production Engineering CIRP. In 2016, it was held from 18.-22.04. by the Japan Society of Electrical Machining Engineers (JSEME) at the University of Tokyo and could welcome more than 220 participants from industry and academia. It is considered the most important meeting of the scientific area.
The Professorship Micromanufacturing Technology was presenting three papers at ISEM-XVIII. In addition to the paper on Plasma-electrolytic Polishing research on Jet-ECM and Micro-EDM-machining of nonconductive ceramics was published. All papers are open access and available online via the journal "Procedia CIRP".
Foto: Prof. Masanori Kunieda, chairman of ISEM-XVIII conference, presents Excellent Paper Award to Dr. Henning Zeidler. |