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Department of Sports Equipment and Technology

Presentations - AMSC24

Dear Presenters,
this brief guide provides essential information on the organization of presentations for the Advanced Manufacturing Student Conference (AMSC24).

1. Organisation of the Conference

The conference is structured in time slots of ten minutes:

  • 7 minutes for your presentation
  • 2 minutes for questions and answers
  • 1 minute for the transition to the next speaker

Presentations must be pre-recorded and uploaded as video files (.mp4) to ensure a smooth experience:

  • This avoids technical problems due to poor internet connections during presentations.
  • It allows you to edit your presentation to the quality you want.
  • You do not have to worry about nerves, as only questions will be addressed during the live session.
  • Knowing the presentation time in advance ensures precise timing.

Presenters must be present during their allocated time slot for live questions and answers. We will schedule your presentation slot according to your preferences, if possible.

2. Submission of Presentations

Please submit your presentation as an MP4 video by 24 June 2024, at midnight. This timeframe allows us sufficient time to test it on the conference computer. A personalized upload link will be provided via ConfTool starting 14 June 2024.

The video duration must not exceed 7 minutes, and the MP4 file must not exceed 25 MB. Use the following naming convention:

  • SubmissionID_Familyname.mp4

Ensure the use of the provided presentation template, accessible at the following link: AMSC24 Presentation Template

3. Recording of Presentations

There are two recommended methods for recording your presentation:

The easy way:
Utilize PowerPoint's integrated option to record a slide show with narration. Learn how

The sophistcated way:
Use freely available video recording software like OBS to record the presentation, including yourself as a presenter. Be cautious not to use software that adds watermarks or similar elements to the video. Explore OBS

4. Help and Support

If you encounter any issues with uploading or creating the video file, please reach out to us via the contact form on the conference website.

We look forward to your insightful presentations at AMSC24!