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BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology Dhaka (BUFT) and University of Technology Chemnitz (TUC) Cooperation project on Sustainability in Textile and RMG processing in Bangladesh

Duration: 01/2018 - 06/2019

Funding: Funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funding from the German Association for International Cooperation (GIZ) on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Funding Framework: German-Bangladeshi Higher Education Network for Sustainable Textiles (HEST)


The texile industry is the mainstay of Bangladesh's economy. The National Education Strategy of 2010, the Seventh Five-Year Plan and the Strategic Plan for Higher Education 2017-2030 all have a constant need for well-trained middle management staff. The challenges facing the industry are the impact on the environment (for example through the use of dyes) and the needs of workers in international price pressure.

In the project BUF (T) UC, the curricula of the BUFT are therefore revised with regard to sustainability. The teaching staff is instructed didactically and receives training on various topics in the field of sustainability. In addition, an e-learning course will be designed that addresses sustainability throughout the textile chain. These changes in teaching should address the shortage of managers in the Bangladeshi textile industry.


Project goals:

  • Revision of the curriculum for Knitwear Manufacture and Technology in terms of sustainability

  • Development of an e-learning course "Sustainability in the textile value chain"

  • Establishment of a professional network between TU Chemnitz and BUFT

  • Knowledge sharing

  • Joint research projects

  • Expertise gain in development cooperation


Time schedule:

Time Locatoin Activity
March 2018 Bonn/Chemnitz Joint coordination of project goals and approach
May/June 2018 Chemnitz Expert workshops, visit mtex + / LiMA and company visits
September 2018 Chemnitz Expert workshops, visit Sustainable Textile School
February 2019 Dhaka HEST Coordination Forum
April 2020 Chemnitz final workshop

Contact person

Portrait: André Matthes
André Matthes
