Dr. Eike Kronshage
Main Areas of Research
Elizabethan drama
Aesthetics and poetics
Economy and literature
Early British film
Career/Job History
Since Oct. 2014 |
Chemnitz University of Technology: Academic staff member, Chair of English Literature |
Oct. 2016 – Sept. 2021 | Humboldt-University of Berlin (Master of Education in English and Philosophy) |
May 2014 – Sept. 2014 |
Dahlem Research School: DRS Honors PostDoc Fellow |
Oct. 2010 – Jan. 2014 |
Friedrich Schlegel Graduate School of Literary Studies, Berlin: PhD in English Studies |
April 2012 – July 2012 |
University of Cambridge: Visiting Researcher |
Oct. 2004 – Aug. 2008 |
Free University Berlin, Peter Szondi Institute of Comparative Literature: Magister Artium (M.A.) |
Sept. 2007 – May 2008 |
Yale University: Teaching assistant and visiting researcher |
Aug. 2003 – April 2004 |
University of Copenhagen: Exchange student (ERASMUS) |
Oct. 2001 – May 2004 |
Ludwig-Maximilians University: B.A. in Comparative Literature |
Vision and Character: Physiognomics and the English Realist Novel. New York: Routledge, 2018.
Editorial Works
Crisis, Risks, New Regionalisms. Ed. Cecile Sandten, Claudia Gualtieri, Roberto Pedretti, and Eike Kronshage. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2017. CHAT: Chemnitzer Anglistik/Amerikanistik Today 8.
Britisch-deutscher Literaturtransfer 1756-1832. Ed. Knapp, Lore, and Eike Kronshage. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016. WeltLiteraturen / World Literatures 11.
Palimpsestraum Stadt. Ed. Eike Kronshage, Sandten, Cecile, and Winfried Thielmann. Trier: WVT, 2015. CHAT: Chemnitzer Anglistik/Amerikanistik Today 5.
- "Lavater's Physiognomics and Feuerbach's Concept of Projection in George Eliot's Middlemarch." Crossing the Channel: British-German Historical and Cultural Dialogues.Eds. Rudolf Boch, Marian Nebelin, Cecile Sandten. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2022: 49-71.
- "Physiognomic Flânerie in Joseph Conrad's The Secret Agent." Victorian Surfaces in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture: Skin, Silk and Show. Ed. Sibylle Baumbach and Ulla Ratheiser. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2021: 155-175.
- "The Garden of Iden: Bourgeoise Ideology and Rebellion in Shakespeare's 2 Henry VI." Protest. Forms, Dynamics, Functions. Ed. Mandy Beck, Cecile Sandten, and Daniel Ziesche. Trier: WVT, 2021: 163-176.
- „Nah, fern, skalierbar: Die Politik des Lesens von Kanon und Quisquilie.“ SPRACHKUNST. Beiträge zur Literaturwissenschaft 50:1 (2019).
- “‘Purchased honour’: Economic Expediency in Webster’s The Duchess of Malfi.” John Webster’s ‘Dismal Tragedy’, The Duchess of Malfi Reconsidered. Ed. Sophie Chiari und Sophie Lemercier-Goddard. Clermont-Ferrand: Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal, 2019, 103-120.
- “Reformation and Transformation: On Religion, Politics, and Economics in Shakespeare’s King John.” Shakespeare Seminar Online 15 (2017; published 2019): 27-42.
- “Weimar Wallace: Three Early German Screen Adaptations of Novels by Edgar Wallace (1931-34).” ZAA: Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik. A Quarterly of Language, Literature and Culture 67:4 (2019)
- "Parasitic Picaresque. R.S. Surtees's Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour." Das Enigma des Pikaresken/The Enigma of the Picaresque. Ed. Jens Elze. Heidelberg: Winter Verlag, 2018: 89-105.
- “Theorien des Nichtlesens.” Grundthemen der Literaturwissenschaft, Vol. 4: Lesen. Ed. Rolf Parr und Alexander Honold. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018: 211-230.
- "Conspicuous Consumption, Croyance, and the Problem of the Two Timons: Shakespeare's Timon of Athens." Critical Horizons: A Journal of Philosophy and Social Theory 18:3 (2017): 262-274.
- (with Cecile Sandten, Claudia Gualtieri, and Roberto Pedretti): "Introduction." Crisis, Risks, New Regionalisms. Ed. Cecile Sandten, Claudia Gualtieri, Roberto Pedretti, and Eike Kronshage. Trier: WVT Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2017: 11-23.
- "'Nothing Truer Than Physiognomy': Body Semiotics and Agency in Charles Dickens's 'Hunted Down' (1859)." Dickens Studies Annual: Essays on Victorian Fiction 48 (2017): 167-180.
- "Lavaters physiognomische Apodemik in Reisebeschreibungen deutscher Englandreisender im späten achtzehnten Jahrhundert." Britisch-deutscher Literaturtransfer 1756-1832. Ed. Lore Knapp and Eike Kronshage. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016: 153-170.
- (with Lore Knapp): "Einleitung". Britisch-deutscher Literaturtransfer 1756-1832. Ed. Lore Knapp and Eike Kronshage. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016: 1-20.
- "On the Scientific Status of Literary Physiognomics in Victorian Realism: The Novels of Charlotte Brontë." Physiognomisches Schreiben: Stilistik, Rhetorik und Poetik einer gestaltdeutenden Kulturtechnik. Ed. Hans-Georg von Arburg, Elias Zimmermann, Benedikt Tremp. Freiburg: Rombach, 2016: 125-139.
- "Palimpsestic Layers: Urban Aesthetics and Social Criticism in Charles Dickens's 'Night Walks'." Palimpsestraum Stadt. Ed. Cecile Sandten, Winfried Thielmann, and Eike Kronshage. Trier: WVT, 2015. 79-92.
- (with Cecile Sandten and Winfried Thielmann). "Introduction". Palimpsestraum Stadt. Ed. Eike Kronshage, Cecile Sandten, and Winfried Thielmann. Trier: WVT, 2015: 1-11.
- "The Function of Poetic Epigraphs in George Eliot's Daniel Deronda." Connotations: A Journal for Critical Debate 23.2 (2014): 230-60.
- Hitchcock: Rewatch 2022. Scholarly blog about all films by Alfred Hitchcock. https://hitchcock22.blogspot.com/
- Translation of Brindlewood Bay by Jason Cordova. Gelsenkirchen: System Matters, 2022.
- Review of: Martina Bross, Versions of Hamlet: Poetic Economy on Page and Stage. In: Literaturwissenschaftliches Jahrbuch 60 (2019): 405-408.
- Review of David Hawkes, Shakespeare and Economic Theory. In: Journal for the Study of British Cultures.
- Translation of: Bruno Latour: “On Actor-Network Theory: A Few Clarifications.” Soziale Welt 47:4 (1996): 369-381.
“Über die Akteur-Netzwerk-Theorie. Einige Klarstellungen.” Übers. v. Eike Kronshage. In: Lore Knapp (Hrsg.): Literarische Netzwerke im 18. Jahrhundert. Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2019:45-66.
- (with Stefan Schukowski) Shakespeare's Sonnet 155. Shakespeare Sonnet Generator. Commissioned by Prof. Erika Greber. See: Greber, Erika. "Triskaidekaphobia? Sonettzahlen und Zahlensonette." Zahlen, Zeichen und Figuren: Mathematische Inspirationen in Kunst und Literatur. Ed. Andrea Albrecht, Gesa von Essen, and Werner Frick. Berlin: de Gruyter, 2011. 214-247 (especially 231-32).
- Gesichter - Faces. 23.03.2010 - 25.03.2010, Berlin. Conference Proceedings. H-Soz-u-Kult, 17.04.2010.
- "A Portrait of the Artist as a Translator. On James Joyce's translation of Gerhart Hauptmann's Vor Sonnenaufgang." Yale Modernism Lab, New Haven, 2008.
- Farø, Ken: Universal-Wörterbuch Dänisch: dänisch-deutsch, deutsch-dänisch. [Dictionary Danish-German]. Editors of the revised edition: Eike Kronshage and Kerstin Klingelhöffer. Langenscheidt KG, Munich, 2005.
Conference Papers and Invited Talks
"'[N]o trace to leave behind.' Vertical and Horizontal Financial Transmission as Dickens's Critique of Industrial Capitalism in Dombey and Son." 15th ESSE Conference (European Society for the Study of English), Lyon, France (virtual conference due to COVID-19). |
"The Dialectics of Money in Barnaby Rudge." |
Keynote: "Weimar, Wallace, Westdeutschland." Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft Dresden e.V., in cooperation with the Chair of English Literary Studies, University of Technology Dresden, Dresden, Germany. |
Keynote: “‘A keen eye for physiognomy’: Lavaters Physiognomik im realistischen englischen Roman George Eliots”. Britisch-Deutsche Wissenschaftsgeschichte(n), Technische Universität Chemnitz. |
“‘Purchased honour’: Economic Expediency in The Duchess of Malfi”. John Webster, The Duchess of Malfi Reconsidered. École normale supérieure de Lyon, Lyon, France, December 2018. |
“‘You would call that lad a degenerate?’ Measuring Intellectual (Dis)Ability Through Phrenology in Joseph Conrad’s The Secret Agent.”: Literature, Education and the Sciences of the Mind in Britain and America, 1850-1950. Canterbury, Kent, England. |
“Speaking Faces? Dickens’s Critique of Physiognomics”: The 23rd Annual Dickens Symposium: Dickens and Language, Tübingen, Germany. |
Sep. 2018: “‘Red-hot applications on their vile skins.’ Ironic Transparency in Joseph Conrad’s The Secret Agent”: Anglistentag 2018, Panel: Victorian Surfaces: Skin, Silk, and Show in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture. Bonn, Germany. |
"Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice": Vortrag mit Studierenden vor der Deutsch-Britischen Gesellschaft Chemnitz e.V., Chemnitz, Germany. |
"'Kings break faith upon commodity': Religious Crisis and Economic Transformation in Shakespeare's King John": Conference of the German Shakespeare-Society: Shakespeare and Reformation, Weimar, Germany. |
"Theorien des Nichtlesens." |
"Genre of a City: The Early Modern English City Comedy." |
(with Prof. Dr. Cecile Sandten): "Teacher Training: English Short Plays in the EFL Class Room" |
"Kommunikation und Körpersemiotik." Ringvorlesung Interkulturelle Kommunikation, University of Technology Chemnitz, Germany. |
"Zur Objektivität physiognomischer Porträts im literarischen Realismus." Internationale Konferenz: Physiognomisches Schreiben. Stilistik, Rhetorik und Poetik einer gestaltdeutenden Kulturtechnik, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland. |
"Closure, Open Endings, and Poetic Justice." 13th International Connotations Symposium: Poetic Justice: Legal, Ethical, and Aesthetic Judgments in Literary Texts, University of Tübingen, Germany. |
"'Better to Be Cruel': Inhumanity in Thomas Hardy’s Last Novel, Jude the Obscure (1895)." Talk to the German-British Society Chemnitz, Chemnitz, Germany. |
"Kirche und Gesetz in Anthony Trollopes The Warden (1855)." Lecture Series "Victorian Anniversaries", Universitas Chemnitz. |
"Crisis of the Humanities: The First 150 Years." Crisis, Risks and New Regionalisms in Europe, University of Milan, Italy. |
"Physiognomisches Verstehen, physiognomische Verständigung. Über die Persistenz historischer Körpersemiotiken" Ringvorlesung Interkulturelle Kommunikation, University of Technology Chemnitz, Germany. |
"Narratives of Degeneration in Joseph Conrad's The Secret Agent." Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Institut für Anglistik. Auf Einladung von Prof. Dr. Susanne Scholz. |
"'Feast-won, fast-lost': Mock banquets in Shakespeare's Timon of Athens" Conference of the German Shakespeare-Society: Celebrating Shakespeare, Weimar, Germany |
"George Eliot's Poetic Epigraphs in Daniel Deronda." 12th International Connotations Symposium: Poetry in Fiction, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany. |
"'More in countenance than language.' Physiognomic Language in Foreign Cultural Surroundings in Charlotte Brontë's The Professor and Villette." |
"(Sur)Face. Physiognomics in Mid-Victorian Realism." Graduate Workshop: Surface Reading? What We Do to Texts and Other Media, Magdalene College, Cambridge, UK. |
Since 10/2014: University of Technology Chemnitz, Institute for English and American Studies
- History of Literatures in English: Reading the Canon and Beyond (Lecture, Fall 2022)
- Alfred Hitchcock: From Realism to Postmodernism (BA seminar; Spring 2022)
- Theories and Methods (BA Seminar; annual seminar, taught since Spring 2017)
- Shakespeare's Comedies (BA seminar; Fall 2021)
- Peforming the Economy in Early Modern England (BA seminar; Spring 2021)
- The Industrial Novel (MA seminar; Winter 2020/21)
- Dickens and London (BA seminar; Winter 2020/21)
- Ekphrastic Encounters (MA seminar; Spring 2020)
- Encountering the Other in Shakespeare (MA seminar; Winter 2019/20)
- Beyond Shakespeare (MA seminar; Winter 2019/20)
- Imperial Adventure Fiction (MA seminar; Spring 2019)
- J.M. Coetzee and Postcolonial Violence (MA seminar; Winter 2018/19)
- Shakespeare’s Roman Plays (BA seminar; Winter 2018/19)
- Marx and Shakespeare (BA seminar; Spring 2018)
- Revenge Tragedies in Early Modern England (MA Seminar; Spring 2017)
- The Novels of Jane Austen (BA Seminar; Spring 2017)
- Shakespeare's Tragedies: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear (BA Lecture; Winter 2016)
- The British Espionage Novel in the Early Twentieth Century (BA Seminar; Winter 2016)
- Organizer of the five-year lecture series: "Viktorianische Jubiläen"
- The Brontë Sisters (BA Seminar; Spring 2016)
- Alfred Hitchcock: Narrative Cinema (BA Seminar; Winter 2015)
- Economy & Drama: From Shakespeare to Webster (MA Seminar; Spring 2015)
- Introduction to the Study of Literatures in English (Lecture; Winter 2014)
10/2014 – 09/2015: Free University Berlin, Institute for Comparative Literature
- Mimesis: Literary Representation of Reality (BA Seminar; Spring 2015)
- Typology of Reading (MA Seminar; Winter 2014)
10/2013 – 03/2014: University Potsdam, Institute for English and American Studies
- Introduction to Literary Studies (BA Seminar; Winter 2013)
10/2011 – 03/2014: Free University Berlin, Institute for English Studies
- Culture vs. Canon (Fall 2020)
- The Verbal and the Visual: Description and Ekphrasis (Fall 2020)
- Making of the English Literary Canon (BA Seminar; Spring 2014)
- Introduction to Literary Studies (BA Seminar; Winter 2013)
- Joseph Conrad’s Spy Fiction (BA Seminar; Winter 2013)
- Representation of Britishness in Film & Fiction (BA Seminar; Winter 2013)
- Charles Dickens and London (BA Seminar; Winter 2012)
- Mid-Victorian Realism: Elizabeth Gaskell & George Eliot (BA Seminar; Winter 2011)
09/2007 – 06/2008: Yale University, Department of German
- German for Reading (Spring 2008)
- Undergraduate Tutorial (Fall 2007 and Spring 2008)
Professional Memberships
British Association for Victorian Studies (BAVS)
Connotations: Society for Critical Debate
Deutscher Anglistenverband e.V.
Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft
Dickens Society
Ernst-Reuter Gesellschaft der Förderer und Freunde der Freien Universität Berlin e.V.
European Shakespeare Research Association (ESRA)
Peter Szondi-Institut: Alumni-Vereinigung e.V.
Renaissance Society of America (RSA)