Dr. Joana Serrado
Thüringer Weg 9, Zimmer 309
Tel.: 0371/531-32702
E-Mail: joana.serrado@…
2014 |
Ph.D., Theologie, Christentum und Ideengeschichte, Univ. Groningen, Niederlanden |
2005 | M.A., Mittelalterliche Philosophie, Universität von Porto, Portugal |
2005 | Postgraduiertes Diplom in Niederländische Studien, Universität von Coïmbra, Portugal |
2001 | Lizenziat, Philosophie, Coïmbra, Portugal/ Erasmus Austausch Student bei Humboldt Univ. Berlin |
Sommersemester 2021 |
Seminar (DIGITAL):Thoughts for Food: Readings and Practices of Eating How does the intake of food interact with our own sense of self? Thinking food not only as an object or a medium to an end (to survive), but also as an agent itself, can radically transform theoretical discussion regarding subjectivity, body, and culture. This seminar explores historically and systematically the role of food, nutrition and their correlated social and biological practice while putting at stake practices of cultivation and consumption, symbolization, appropriation, memory, ritual, nourishment, gender, ethnicity, caste and class. Students will first engage in theoretical discussions in philosophy, history, anthropology, sociology literature and film and then to contribute with their own empirical and creatively formulated observations on global everyday-life case studies.
2014 |
Faculty of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Groningen: Ancias/Anxiousness of Joana de Jesus (1620–1681): Philosophical and Historical Approaches. Ph.D. thesis. ISBN: 978-90-367-7504-5https://www.rug.nl/research/portal/files/14823820/Complete_dissertation.pdf |
2005 | Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto: Minnen, Varen, Verwandelen: Amar, Experienciar, Transformar. Três Verbos místicos em Hadewijch de Antuérpia. Tese de mestrado. http://repositorio-aberto.up.pt/handle/10216/53695 |
- Geschichte der Philosophie
- Ideengeschichte
- Portugiesischer Barock
- Frauenbewegung im Christentum
2019/2020 | Postdoc Stipendiatin Leibniz Institut für Europäische Geschichte, Mainz |
2018/19 |
Tutorin in Religion und Geisteswissenschaften, Department for Continuing Education, Univ. Oxford |
2017/2019 |
Postdoc-Forscherin, Institut für Philosophie, Universität Porto |
10.-12.2016 |
Gastdozentin, Margaret Beaufort Theological Institute, Univ. Cambridge |
2013/2017 |
Gordon Milburn Junior Research Fellow, Fakultät Theologie und Religion/ Lady Margaret Hall, University Oxford, UK |
2012/2013 |
Dozenti für portugiesischsprachige Literatur, Geisteswissenschaften, Uni. Oslo |
02.-07.2010 |
Fulbright-Stipendiatin, Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge MA |
2007/2011 | F.C.T. Fellow, Theologie und Religionswissenschaften, Universität Groningen, Niederlanden |
2006 | DAAD-Stipendiatin, Cusanus Institut, Uni. Trier |
2005/2006 |
HUYGENS/NUFFIC- Stipendiatin, Univ. Groningen |
2004/2005 |
FCT-Stipendiatin, Philosophisches Institut, Univ. Coimbra |
2002 |
Lehrkraft von Hausarbeiterinnen, Stickerei Gewerkschaft, EQUAL- E.G-Projekt, Funchal/Portugal |
2018 |
„Philosophy of the Beguines”, Amy Hollywood Session on Philosophy and Portuguese Translation of the Seven Ways of Holy Love, Universität Porto/Palacete de Balsemão, Câmara Municipal do Porto, Portugal, 5–6 June. |
2017 | Workshop in Medical Humanities, „Mysticism as Healing”. TORCH/Universität Oxford. http://www.torch.ox.ac.uk/mysticism-healing. 26 January. |
2015 | Interdisciplinary Seminar for the Study of Religion, „Religion and Words”. Fakultät of Theology and Religion, Universität Oxford, Michaelmas 2015. [4 Veranstaltungen] |
2015 |
„The True, the Real, and the Critical”. Amy Hollywood, Astor Visiting Professor. T.O.R.C.H. 2 June 2015. [Convenor] |
2014-2016 | Medieval and Early Modern Mysticism TORCH Network, http://www.torch.ox.ac.uk/memm. [14 Veranstaltungen] |
2020 |
Joana Serrado. „Six Willful Characters in Search of God: Political Identity and Visionary Action in Seventeenth-Century Portugal.” In Visual Culture And Women”s Political Identity In The Early Modern Iberian World, ed. by Jeremy Roe and Jean Andrews, Routledge, p. 11-30. |
2018 |
Beatrice of Nazareth. Sete Maneiras de Amor Sagrado. Bilingual Edition. Transl. by Arie Pos. Introduction by Joana Serrado and Maria Pinho. pp.9-29. Imago Mundi- Filosofia Medieval em Texto e Tradução. Porto: Afrontamento. 2018. ISBN:978-972-36-1655-2. |
2017 |
Joana Serrado. „Playing Cards with Christ: Mariana da Purificação”. Early Modern Women: An Interdisciplinary Journal 12.1, pp. 144–151. |
2017 |
Joana Serrado. Ânsia: um conceito místico para a filosofia da saudade. V Colóquio Luso-Galaico da Filosofia da Saudade. Vigo/Viana do Castelo/ Porto/ Lisboa. Ed. by Renato Epifânio et ali. Lisboa: Zéfiro. ISBN: 978-989-677-156-0 2017. ISBN 978-972-640-156-8. |
2015 |
Joana Serrado „Joana de Jesus (1617–1681): ânsias amorosas e leituras bíblicas”. In A Voz e os Silêncios. Religião e Textualidades Femininas, ed. by Maria Filomena Andrade, João Luís Fontes and Tiago Pires Marques, pp. 49–62. Lisboa, Centro de Estudos de História Religiosa. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/17991. ISBN 978-972-8361-61-7. |
2014 |
Joana Serrado „The Recollections of the Soul in Joana de Jesus: Medieval and Baroque Traditions”. Mediaevalia: Textos e Estudos 33. 179-198. http://ifilosofia.up.pt/journals/memp-issues“nn“ |