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Junior professorship intercultural practice with a focus on digital cultures
Junior Professorship Intercultural Practice with a Focus on Digital Cultures

Welcome to the Junior Professorship Intercultural Practice with a Focus on Digital Cultures

Main areas of research and teaching

The research and teaching topics of the junior professorship address the reconfiguration of everyday life in a postdigital field of action, especially on the topic of migration. The postdigital field of action is understood as the continuity of everyday life in "offline" and "online" fields of action, which are not to be understood dichotomously.

The junior professorship is structured in three thematic areas:

  • Postdigital (inter)culturality and social E-maginaries
  • Postdigital intercultural practices in the context of migration and internet-mediated interactions.
  • E-maginaries of coloniality in social networks

Within the Research Lab on Postdigital (Inter)Culturality, data for the study of (inter)cultural practices, postdigital cultures, digital migration studies and coloniality in social media are observed, collected, analysed and archived, while qualitative methods for the study of the postdigital context are further developed.

The junior professorship coordinates internationalisation and Erasmus+ affairs.