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University Library
Strategy until 2030
University Library 


Logo der Universätsbibliothek Chemnitz

The „5D Library“

Digital - Dynamic - Durable - Divers - Discursive

The strategy of Chemnitz University Library until 2030

In the year 2030, Chemnitz University Library has turned into a “5D-Library”:

It is digital because it considers itself as model institution for the application of state-of-the-art technologies in the library sector and as pilot institution for testing innovative future-oriented technologies on the library field.
It is dynamic because it anticipates global trends based on its network not only on the local, regional and national level but also on its intensive networking on the international level and acts thereupon in a proactive and flexible way.
It is durable because it understands sustainability in its complexity (ecological, economic, financial, staff-oriented etc.), but implements it in holistic actions.
It is divers because it is open as location for work and community for all but orients in a differentiated way at the different requirements and needs of the persons who work for and make use of it.
Finally, it is discursive because it engages strongly and actively with its competencies and skills as a library to provide the framework conditions and to teach the skills needed by the humans to engage intensively and knowledge-based in the debates and discussions also of the “knowledge society of tomorrow”. In addition, the library considers itself as well as a location of democratic exchange regarding societally-relevant, also controversially-discussed topics.

Chemnitz University Library will be a “5D-Library” in the year 2030 because:

digital collections and services will become more and more important to its users,
it wants to make use of the opportunities and chances of digitization,
increasingly complex demands and the effective use of resources require a wide-spread network of strong partners,
the importance of internationalization with regard to globalization and digitization could hardly be over-estimated and Chemnitz as “European Capital of Culture” 2025 offers outstanding conditions for further enhancement in this respect,
it would like to make use of the new digital opportunities also for the conservation of the cultural heritage in the way of long-term-archiving, particularly of unique publications and documents,
it would like to engage as “green library” in ecological sustainability and achieve a role model effect on this field,
it would like to be attentive with the humans working for and making use of her,
it would like to be aware of the increasing individualization, differentiation and diversification of the society,
it would like to stay to be a key player within the development and design of the “knowledge society of tomorrow”
and to go on even more intensively to engage for the “openness of science” and the “freedom of science” within a free and democratic order.

The „5D's“ will be processed autonomously as thematic fields by respectively responsible groups of library staff members who report their results to the other groups within periodic plenaries. Those results will then be assessed on their compliance with the Library strategy and further steps jointly determined. At mid-term of the period, an interim assessment of the state of implementation will take place.

The five thematic fields include in detail the following actions:

Thematic field Actions
Digital Library
  • Conversion of the library management system from LIBERO to a Next-Generation-System
  • Digitization of analogue collections
  • Augmented Reality-tool including trainings
  • Strategy for AI-application in the library sector + pilot project including trainings
  • „“Scholar Makerspace” including trainings
Dynamic Library
  • Project with international partner university + application for third-party-funding
  • International Library Staff Mobility Officer + mobility-website + information events + tandems
  • Portfolio of offers for international network projects of Chemnitz University of Technology
  • European Capital of Culture-projects
Durable Library
  • Long-term-archiving
  • Promotion of Open Access-publications of Chemnitz University of Technology
  • Application for third-party-funding for the conservation of media
  • Protective digitization on other pillars in addition to the Digitization Program of the State of Saxony
  • “Virtual Reading Hall”
  • Sustainability agenda (implementation of at least 2/3 of the defined actions)
  • “Healthy” usage of the Library
Diverse Library
  • Catalog of diversity actions
  • Modularization of offers
Discursive Library
  • Combination/ linkage of digital/ analogue offers
  • Events in multi-modal manners
  • “Third Place”
  • Thematic networking of users
  • Engagement for “Open Science”
  • Offers for historical and political education (democratic values)