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Institutional & Persistent Identifiers

By using author and institutional identifiers (ID=Institutional Identifier or PI=Persistent Identifier), the TU Chemnitz can continuously improve the worldwide visibility of the research achievements of its scientists and thus automatically optimize its "impact". In addition, IDs ensure that all works published by members of the TU Chemnitz can be correctly assigned to the correct authors and to their own institution.
As a rule, at least one TU Chemnitz ID must be provided during the publication submission process.

What is ORCID?

The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is a non-profit organisation that assigns unique identification numbers (ORCID iDs) to authors. In a personal ORCID profile, all information on publications, research data and the academic CV can be collected. ORCID iDs represent an international standard for linking researchers with their research results.

Privacy plays a special role in ORCID: researchers have full control over what information from their profile is publicly visible. Only the name and the ORCID iD are always publicly visible.

What are the benefits of an ORCID iD?

  • Unique identification of the person (even with identical names, name changes or different spellings)
  • Simplified communication with publishers and research funders - the specification of an ORCID is often mandatory
  • Clear assignment of academic CV and own research output (e.g. publications, research data, software)
  • WIf you agree, your publication list will be synchronised with your ResearcherID and Scopus and automatically updated with new publications through Crossref and Datacite.

If you do not have an ORCID iD yet:

  1. Easy registration with ORCID
  2. Follow the link Register now and enter your first name, last name and email. You now have your ORCID iD. If you want you can link your entry to your works.
  3. Select "+Add works - Search & link" on your new ORCID entry.
  4. You will be shown ORCID partners through which you can search for your publications. If in doubt, simply start with "CrossRef Metadata Search". CrossRef manages DOIs for publishers, so you will most likely find the data of your journal articles here.
  5. Authorise Crossref to access your ORCID record.
  6. You will receive a list of publications with your (last) name. Confirm your own publications with "Add to Orcid".
  7. Done!

Since November 2021, the TU Chemnitz has been the of the ORCID-DE consortium and participates in the financing of this worldwide service.

TU Chemnitz currently has two ORCID integrations: Open Journal Systems and ViVo (in progress)

The Research Organization Registry (ROR) is not operated commercially and is currently primarily a freely accessible directory of official affiliation names of scientific institutions and their associated identifiers (GRID, ISNI, Crossref Open Funder ID, Wikidata entry). The entries can be searched via the ROR homepage with identifier: https://ror.org/00a208s56 .

The Global Research Identifier Database provides records and identifiers for institutions worldwide: a GRID ID is defined for each institution and linked to other IDs and records (for example ISNI, Crossref, Wikipedia, Wikidata). The Digital Science company that developed GRID will continue to maintain and update GRID internally. Institutions and research funding organisations can be searched via Explore Institutes with identifier: grid.6810.f. The ROR database is based on the GRID database.

The Ringgold Identifier is a unique numerical identifier for all institutions involved in the scientific publication process. It enables a scientific paper to be assigned to an institution (TU Chemnitz identifier: Ringgold ID 38869), irrespective of any name variations, abbreviations, foreign-language designations or umlauts.
