Dr. Sascha Keil
Thüringer Weg 7, Raum 306
+49 (0)371 531 30070
Donnerstags, 10:30 - 11:15 Uhr
- Außenhandelstheorie
- Wachstumstheorie
- Wechselkurssysteme
- Industrieökonomik
- Strukturwandel
Beiträge in referierten Fachzeitschriften
- Keil, Sascha (2024): Assessing the role of non-price factors: Shedding new light on the European competitiveness puzzle. International Economics, 178. DOI
- Keil, Sascha (2024): Competing for manufacturing value added: How strong is competitive cost pressure on sectoral level? Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 69. DOI
- Keil, Sascha (2023): The Challenging Estimation of Trade Elasticities: Tackling the Inconclusive Eurozone Evidence.
The World Economy, 46(5). DOI
Diskussions- und Konferenzpapiere
- Keil, Sascha; Paternesi Meloni, Walter (2024): Kaldorian Cumulative Causation in the Euroa area: An Empirical Assessment of Divergent Export Competitivenss. FMM Working Paper 103.
- Keil, Sascha (2023): A Comparative Study on the Role of Non-Price Competitiveness for European Countries.
Conference Paper, 27nd Conference of the Forum for Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM). - Keil, Sascha (2022): Vertically Integrated Unit Labour Cost and the Competition for Manufacturing Value Added in Europe.
Roma Tre Working Paper No. 273 - Keil, Sascha (2021): The Challenging Estimation of Trade Elasticities:Tackling the Inconclusive Eurozone Evidence.
Roma Tre Working Paper No. 261 / Chemnitz Economic Papers No. 42. - Keil, Sascha (2018): Interpreting International Cost Competitiveness in a Dynamic Context.
Conference Paper, 22nd Conference of the Forum for Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies (FMM).
- Keil, Sascha (2024): International Competitiveness in the European Context: Tackling the Inconclusive Evidence.
Weitere Veröffentlichungen
- Keil, Sascha (2020): Reforming the Monetary Union and the German Debate (Erschienen auf economiaepolitica.it)
- Keil, Sascha (2019): Widerstand aus Italien. (Erschienen auf makroskop.eu)
- Keil, Sascha (2018): Funktionale statt solide Fiskalpolitik. (Erschienen auf makroskop.eu)
- Keil, Sascha (2017): L’ Italia: imbrigliata nel corsetto della moneta. (Erschienen auf risorse-associazione.it; Übersetzung durch Giuseppe Vandai)
- Keil, Sascha (2017): Italien: Eingeschnürt im Währungskorsett. (Erschienen auf makroskop.eu)