Weiterbildungsangebote | Zentrum für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs | TU Chemnitz
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Zentrum für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs
Zentrum für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs 

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Die Weiterbildungsangebote für das Sommersemester 2025 werden ab ca. Mitte März veröffentlicht.  


Das Zentrum für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs bietet den Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftlern der TU Chemnitz vielfältige Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten und stellt ein breites Spektrum an fachübergreifenden Kursen bereit.

Zentrales Anliegen ist es - im Sinne des Paradigmas lebenslangen Lernen - den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs in einer positiven Persönlichkeitsentwicklung zu unterstützen und ihm die Möglichkeit zu geben, Inhalte aus dem Bereich der Schlüssel- und Führungskompetenzen auf aktuelle und zukünftige Tätigkeitsbereiche übertragen und anzuwenden zu können.

Mit unserem Weiterbildungsangebot bieten wir Kurse an, die Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftler dabei unterstützen, die Promotionsphase erfolgreich zu meistern und ihnen darauf ausgerichtetes Know-how mit auf den Weg zu geben. Ebenso gibt es Angebote, mit denen sich Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen und Nachwuchswissenschaftler Schlüsselkompetenzen aneignen können, die sie sowohl für ihre akademische als auch außerakademische berufliche Laufbahn benötigen. Ergänzt wird das Programm durch Seminare, die gezielt die internationale Forschungskompetenz stärken und sie auf die Arbeit in der internationalen Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft vorbereiten.

Unser Angebot richtet sich an alle Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden, Habilitandinnen und Habilitanden und Juniorprofessorinnen und Juniorprofessoren der TU Chemnitz.

Publish or perish - Those who do not publish will not make a career.

However, finding a suitable publication option and marketing one's own publications has never been as time-consuming as it is today. The scientific publication market is growing and differentiating itself continuously: Open Access, for example, is a familiar way of publishing today, but it is itself differentiated into a number of variants - green, gold, bronze or platinum Open Access. How to keep an oversight?

The workshop will give an orientation for the bazaar of scientific publishing and will cover topics such as publication processes, quality assurance, impact measurement and rankings, Open access vs. Closed access and legal aspects. The workshop enables participants to develop an individual publication strategy and to consciously take advantage of the options and offers of the increasingly differentiated publishing market.

Included topics:

  • Inform scientists about functions, contextual conditions and parameters of scholarly publishing.
  • Enable participants to develop conscious publication strategies and make career-enhancing publication decisions.

Termin: 28.02.2025 | 09:00-17:00 Uhr
Dozent: Dr. Ulrich Herb
Ort: The workshop will take place online.
OPAL-Link: 28.02.2025 | ONLINE | Strategies in scientific publishing | Dr. Ulrich Herb

Knowledge and methodological skills in project management are of fundamental importance in industry and administration as well as in science. Despite the widespread knowledge of the basics, many companies, institutions and organisations have a concrete need for action in the selection and implementation of suitable strategies.

This interactive workshop offers you the opportunity to compare your knowledge with other actors from your environment and to examine important steps in more detail, especially at the start of a project. The most important planning steps will be brought to life using your own concrete projects. The aim is for you to critically scrutinise your current approach to project planning and develop it further.

The workshop focuses on the planning elements in classic project management with references to agile methods. Participants will apply their experience and knowledge in working on projects and deepen the following elements of project management:

  • Clarification of the assignment
  • Objective definition (benefit objectives, cost objectives, time targets, etc.)
  • Stakeholder and environment analysis
  • Risk analysis
  • Phase plan and milestone planning

The aim of this workshop is to strengthen your own attitude to project management in order to be prepared for the challenges of everyday academic life, but also outside the university.

You are welcome to bring a laptop, but this is not a precondition for participation.

Termin: 04. & 05.03.2025 | 09:00-17:00 Uhr
Dozent: Peter Wagner
Ort: The workshop will take place in the university section Straße der Nationen 62, Altes Heizhaus.
OPAL-Link: 04. & 05.03.2025 | PRESENCE | Project Management in Academia and Private Sector | Peter Wagner

In science, thinking clearly and seeing the logical relationships between ideas is as important as are experiments and data. Nevertheless, the logical basics of correct reasoning are not part of the curricula for most university degrees. In this course we first introduce basic concepts of logic such as validity and soundness and the distinction between inductive and deductive reasoning. The idea of the course is to use these concepts as a toolbox for various aspects of scientific work. Participants get to know techniques that help them identify strengths and weaknesses in arguments, structure texts optimally, and to state arguments clearly and precisely.


  • basic concepts of logic and argumentation theory
  • the logical structure of scientific texts and talks
  • common types of fallacies
  • tips and exercises for oral argumentation

Objectives - The participants...

  • learn to quickly identify strengths and weaknesses of arguments
  • learn to build valid and sound arguments
  • learn to break-down arguments into their logical structure
  • train analytical thinking

Termin: 13. & 14.03.2025 | 09:00-17:00 Uhr
Dozentin: Dr. Friederike Schmitz
Ort: The workshop will take place in the university section Straße der Nationen 62, Hauptbau, 2nd floor, room A10.202.
OPAL-Link: 13. & 14.03.2025 | PRESENCE | Critical Reasoning and Logic | Dr. Friederike Schmitz

Die Universitätsbibliothek bietet vielfältige Unterstützungen im Open Access Publikationsprozess. Dazu zählen auch Transformationsverträge und Publish & Read Verträge. Welche Publikationsmöglichkeiten bieten solche Verträge, mit welchen Anbietern hat die Universitätsbibliothek Vereinbarungen geschlossen. Im Kurs werden die Vereinbarungen vorgestellt, die Rahmenbedingungen und Besonderheiten benannt.


  • DEAL Verträge
  • Royal Society of Chemistry
  • American Chemical Society
  • Taylor & Francis
  • Hogrefe etc.

Termin: 17.03.2025 | 13:00-14:00 Uhr
Dozentin: Sabine Kuniß | Universitätsbibliothek
Ort: Die Veranstaltung findet im hybriden Format statt (Universitätsbibliothek, Beratungsraum 3. Etage Raum 311).
OPAL-Link: 17.03.2025 | HYBRID | Transformationsvertrag, Publish & Read – Was ist das und was bedeutet es für die Wissenschaftler:innen an der TUC | Sabine Kuniß

Have you ever attended a presentation where the speaker had to explain every single detail to the audience to ensure that everyone follows or understands the diagrams? If so, you might also remember how much of your attention was required to understand even a single graphic from the presentation. And while the speaker was very familiar with the topic and explained not only the graphic but also scientific facts and the context of his/her research, it became increasingly difficult for you to follow. From your perspective – the audience – which does not have the entire background and experience with the presented data, it is hard to understand when graphics and visualizations are not used for better and easier comprehension, but are “cluttered” with lines, points, colors, and text.

While presenting all the information in diagrams can be useful in certain situations, presenting research results on posters or in talks is often easier to understand when only the most important information is displayed in the simplest way, allowing the audience to follow and understand intuitively.

Of course, there are also differences in creating graphics depending on whether the graphic is used in a dissertation, a poster, or as part of a presentation. Closely related to this is how our brain can receive and process visual information and how this knowledge can be used to effectively convey the message of the graphics. Those who can present scientific results in a particularly interesting way that “captivates” the audience use this knowledge along with storytelling techniques – techniques recently referred to as data storytelling – we will also address this with an example and thus provide participants with tools to present their results to an audience in an engaging way in the future.

In this workshop, concepts, and techniques for improving graphics used in good presentations will be introduced, and it will be explained in detail which type of representation best allows your audience to intuitively understand your message. This helps the reader or audience not only to better connect with you (the speaker or author) and your research but also saves you time and effort in having to explain every detail of your visualizations. It is about guiding your audience’s or reader’s attention through the intelligent use of shapes, colors, labels, and the right graphic. Bar charts are not always the best way to represent differences. But are pie charts the best way to represent proportions? What other charts can you use in which situation? We will find out – in the Data Visualization seminar.

Termin: 20.03.2025 | 09:00-15:00 Uhr
Dozent: Dr. Peter Paul Heym
Ort: The workshop will take place online.
OPAL-Link: 20.03.2025 | ONLINE | Data Visualization | Dr. Peter Paul Heym

“Chance favors only the prepared mind” - the wisdom of Louis Pasteur also applies to your career path. In the workshop we will therefore explore elements of a career strategy: I will share tools that help you identify your values, transferable skills, and strengths. We will look at how you can use storytelling and leverage networking to gain visibility – no matter if you want to pursue a career in academia or in other sectors. Finally, we will discuss concrete examples of standard and out-of-the-box application strategies. There will be time for your questions as well.

Termin: 10.04.2025 | 09:00-15:00 Uhr
Dozentin: Dr. Anne Schreiter
Ort: The workshop will take place in the university section Straße der Nationen 62, Hauptbau, 2nd floor, room A10.202.
OPAL-Link: 10.04.2025 | PRESENCE | Building your career strategy – a guide for your next career steps in academia or beyond | Dr. Anne Schreiter

Sieben von zehn Zuhörenden schalten bei herkömmlichen Präsentationen innerlich ab. Sind Sie sicher, dass das bei Ihren Präsentationen nicht auch geschieht? Wollen Sie wissen, wie Sie auf Knopfdruck Zuhörzwang bei Ihrem Publikum auslösen, wie Sie Charisma versprühen, kurz – wie Sie mit Ihren Ideen überzeugen?

Erfahren Sie in diesem Rhetorik-Seminar, wie Sie zügig auf den Punkt kommen, wie Sie komplizierte Sachverhalte vereinfachen, wie Sie Ihre Ideen und Informationen souverän und professionell präsentieren. Lernen Sie, welche rhetorischen Fertigkeiten erfolgsentscheidend sind und welche Potenziale in Ihnen stecken. Lernen Sie, wirkungsvoll zu reden und zu überzeugen!


  • Wie Sie authentisch und kompetent wirken
  • Wie Sie Ihre Zuhörer emotional berühren
  • Wie Sie Ihr Publikum aktiv einbeziehen
  • Wie Sie souverän mit Störungen und verbalen Angriffen umgehen

Bitte beachten Sie, dass diese Veranstaltung auf das Präsentieren OHNE PowerPoint-Präsentationen ausgerichtet ist!

Termin: 16.04.2025 | 09:00-16:00 Uhr
Dozentin: Antje Schindler
Ort: Die Veranstaltung wird im Universitätsteil Straße der Nationen 62 stattfinden.
OPAL-Link: 16.04.2025 | PRÄSENZ | Power-Rhetorik: Langweilen Sie noch oder begeistern Sie schon? | Antje Schindler


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