International Summer School on Advanced Technologies based on Internet of Things (ATIoT)
The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most emerging topics in the technology sector, which enables to connect different type of physical devices around the world to the internet. IoT is generally known as the network of things, which refer to devices or sensors responsible for sensing and communicating collected data from application field. The IoT is based on monitoring and remote control for the most basic, predictive analysis and collaborative approaches for complex applications, where sensors present the key feature for extracting and quantifying gathered data. The collected data makes it possible to make better decisions faster, highlighting the important role of sensors in a decision-making logic.
The Chair of Measurement and Sensor Technology at Technische Universität Chemnitz is organizing the International Summer School on Advanced Technologies based on Internet of Things (ATIoT) in cooperation with the German Chapter of the IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society.
Registration is possible until 15.06.2018.
Press realeases:
Gut gestärkt in die "Internet of Things"-Ära