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Professur Smart Systems Integration
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Professur Smart Systems Integration 

Student Jobs, Thesis

NEW: Students of the Master course »Micro and Nano Systems« should apply for a research project on Bildungsportal Sachsen.

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We offer a couple of open student positions in the field of  modeling and simulation of semiconductor processes and materials. In our team we cover simulation of semi processes and materials from the atom to the wafer. We use methods from theoretical and computational physics for applications in semiconductor engineering. Our high performance computing systems are ready to be used for your innovative simulation projects.

We look for students with a solid background in physics, mathematics, electrical engineering or related fields. You should be familiar with Python and have a strong interest to work with computers and software.

Please contact us for details and for arrangement of individual student projects. Please provide a short note of motivation, describe your skills and give an overview of your recent marks.

Contact: Apply for this job by email

Possible as: Student Assistance, Bachelor-Thesis, Master-Thesis, Diploma Thesis

Addressed topics: Electronics, Fluidics, Micro- and Nanoelectronics, Nano technology, Others, Programming, Simulation


Labels: Student research project   Student Assistance   Bachelor-Thesis   Master-Thesis   Diploma Thesis   PhD Position