Major and minor changes to the TUC-Bot API will be documented here.
V. 1.3.7 (05.11.2018)
- bugfixed internal twi communication (e.g. used for TwiWrapper)
- updated TwiWrapper
- updated locking of twi bus
- improved timeout accuracy
- updated general documentation
- updated IMU to handle different resolutions of gyroscope
- updated example code for imu
- added AVR_ATmega644P flag
- updated documentation for encoders
- updated documentation for sensors, motors, ... belonging to the driving module
added info, that communication will take some milliseconds
V. 1.3.6 (25.10.2018)
- changed behaviour of IMU
- hard coded (old) imu offsets are not automatically loaded on startup anymore
- small-filter is now deactivated on startup
V. 1.3.5 (05.10.2018)
- changed behaviour of twi_lockGet()
- now, it only returns if the twi is locked by the user (not just if the twi is locked in general)
V. 1.3.4 (01.06.2018)
- try to fix issues around deadlock of TWI
- additionally disabled TWI during reset_tucbot()
- fixed init_tucbot()
- not initiating imu in disabled-interrupt-mode
V. 1.3.3 (16.05.2018)
V. 1.3.2 (17.04.2018)
- bugfixed over- und underrun for IMU sensors, leading to wrong measurements while turning fast or accelerating
- updated main documentation of the IMU
- among others, mentioning limits of sensors
- added this simple changelog