Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
 CsButtonInternal struct used to save all data related to the buttons
 CsImuInternal struct used to save all data related to the IMU
 CsLausTrackerRivalInternal struct used to save the pose of opponent's robot (Laus-Tracker)
 CsLausTrackerSelfInternal struct used to save the pose of one self's robot (Laus-Tracker)
 CsMD_BumperInternal struct used to save data related to the bumper sensors
 CsMD_DriveAdjustInternal struct used to save data related to driving
 CsMD_DriveAngleInternal struct used to save data related to driving
 CsMD_DriveArcInternal struct used to save data related to driving
 CsMD_DriveDistInternal struct used to save data related to driving
 CsMD_DriveStopInternal struct used to save data related to driving
 CsMD_EncoderInternal struct used to save data related to the encoder sensors
 CsMD_EncoderClearInternal struct used to save data related to the encoder sensors
 CsMD_ModeInternal struct used to save all data related to the mode of the TUC-Bot
 CsMD_MotorInternal struct used to save data related to the motors
 CsMD_SensBatteryInternal struct used to save data related to the battery voltage
 CsMD_SensCurrentInternal struct used to save data related to the motor current
 CsMD_SensLineDInternal struct used to save data related to the line sensors
 CsMD_SensLineEnableInternal struct used to save data related to the line sensors
 CsMD_SensLineFInternal struct used to save data related to the line sensors
 CsMD_SensLineMInternal struct used to save data related to the line sensors
 CsMD_SpeedInternal struct used to save data related to driving
 CsMD_SpeedRawInternal struct used to save data related to current speed of wheels
 CsMD_StateInternal struct used to save data related to driving
 CsMD_WayAngleInternal struct used to save data related to driving
 CsMI_AccelerometerInternal struct used to save data related to linear acceleration (imu)
 CsMI_GyroscopeInternal struct used to save data related to angular velocity (imu)
 CsMI_TemperatureInternal struct used to save data related to temperature (imu)
 CsPackedComInternal struct used to save all data related to the packed communication
 CsPackedComLockInternal struct used to save all data related to the locking of the UART
 CsPackedComPacketInternal struct used to save all data related to one data packet
 CsPackedComUartInternal struct used to save all data related to one UART
 CsRemoteControlMotorInternal struct used to save all data related to a motor-message (remote control)
 CsRemoteControlTwistInternal struct used to save all data related to a twist-message (remote control)
 CsServoInternal struct used to save all data related to the servo
 CsSharpInternal struct used to save all data related to the sharp sensors
 CsTimeInternal struct used to save all data related to the elapsed time
 CsTimeCycleInternal struct used to save all data related to one cyclic function
 CsTsopInternal struct used to save all data related to the ir beacon sensors
 CsTwiInternal struct used to save all data related to the TWI
 CsTwiLockInternal struct used to save all data related to the locking of the TWI