CsButton | Internal struct used to save all data related to the buttons |
CsImu | Internal struct used to save all data related to the IMU |
CsLausTrackerRival | Internal struct used to save the pose of opponent's robot (Laus-Tracker) |
CsLausTrackerSelf | Internal struct used to save the pose of one self's robot (Laus-Tracker) |
CsMD_Bumper | Internal struct used to save data related to the bumper sensors |
CsMD_DriveAdjust | Internal struct used to save data related to driving |
CsMD_DriveAngle | Internal struct used to save data related to driving |
CsMD_DriveArc | Internal struct used to save data related to driving |
CsMD_DriveDist | Internal struct used to save data related to driving |
CsMD_DriveStop | Internal struct used to save data related to driving |
CsMD_Encoder | Internal struct used to save data related to the encoder sensors |
CsMD_EncoderClear | Internal struct used to save data related to the encoder sensors |
CsMD_Mode | Internal struct used to save all data related to the mode of the TUC-Bot |
CsMD_Motor | Internal struct used to save data related to the motors |
CsMD_SensBattery | Internal struct used to save data related to the battery voltage |
CsMD_SensCurrent | Internal struct used to save data related to the motor current |
CsMD_SensLineD | Internal struct used to save data related to the line sensors |
CsMD_SensLineEnable | Internal struct used to save data related to the line sensors |
CsMD_SensLineF | Internal struct used to save data related to the line sensors |
CsMD_SensLineM | Internal struct used to save data related to the line sensors |
CsMD_Speed | Internal struct used to save data related to driving |
CsMD_SpeedRaw | Internal struct used to save data related to current speed of wheels |
CsMD_State | Internal struct used to save data related to driving |
CsMD_WayAngle | Internal struct used to save data related to driving |
CsMI_Accelerometer | Internal struct used to save data related to linear acceleration (imu) |
CsMI_Gyroscope | Internal struct used to save data related to angular velocity (imu) |
CsMI_Temperature | Internal struct used to save data related to temperature (imu) |
CsPackedCom | Internal struct used to save all data related to the packed communication |
CsPackedComLock | Internal struct used to save all data related to the locking of the UART |
CsPackedComPacket | Internal struct used to save all data related to one data packet |
CsPackedComUart | Internal struct used to save all data related to one UART |
CsRemoteControlMotor | Internal struct used to save all data related to a motor-message (remote control) |
CsRemoteControlTwist | Internal struct used to save all data related to a twist-message (remote control) |
CsServo | Internal struct used to save all data related to the servo |
CsSharp | Internal struct used to save all data related to the sharp sensors |
CsTime | Internal struct used to save all data related to the elapsed time |
CsTimeCycle | Internal struct used to save all data related to one cyclic function |
CsTsop | Internal struct used to save all data related to the ir beacon sensors |
CsTwi | Internal struct used to save all data related to the TWI |
CsTwiLock | Internal struct used to save all data related to the locking of the TWI |