Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 12345]
 SensorsIncludes all sensor modules
 EncodersFunctions which handle the wheel encoders
 Advanced informations
 SharpsFunctions which handle the IR-distance sensors
 Advanced informations
 LineFunctions which handle the line sensors
 Advanced informations
 BumpersFunctions which handle the bumper sensors
 Advanced informations
 TsopsFunctions which handle the IR-beacon sensors
 Advanced informations
 ImuFunctions which handle the inertial measurement unit
 Advanced informations
 Battery voltageFunctions which handle the battery voltage
 Advanced informations
 CurrentFunctions which handle the motor current
 Advanced informations
 ActuatorsIncludes all actuator modules
 ServoFunctions which handle the servo
 Advanced informations
 MotorsFunctions which handle the motors
 Advanced informations
 DriveFunctions which handle the simplified driving
 Advanced informations
 Internal functionsIncludes all internal modules
 Basic functionsFunctions which handle basics
 Advanced informations
 TimeFunctions which handle the time
 Advanced informations
 ModeFunctions which handle the library mode
 Advanced informations
 Robot IDFunctions which handle the Robot ID
 Advanced informations
 EEPROMFunctions which handle the EEPROM
 Advanced informations
 TWIFunctions which handle the TWI
 Advanced informations
 Backwards compatibilityFunctions which ensure backward compatibility with older versions
 Encoders deprecatedDeprecated encoder features
 Sharps deprecatedDeprecated ir-distance sensor features
 Line deprecatedDeprecated line sensor features
 Tsop deprecatedDeprecated ir-beacon sensor features
 IMU deprecatedDeprecated IMU features
 Motors deprecatedDeprecated motor features
 Drive deprecatedDeprecated drive features
 Basic deprecatedDeprecated basic features
 Time deprecatedDeprecated time features
 Motor currents deprecatedDeprecated motor current features
 EEPROM deprecatedDeprecated EEPROM features
 TWI deprecatedDeprecated TWI features
 Robot ID deprecatedDeprecated Robot ID features
 TWI Wrapper deprecatedDeprecated TWI-Wrapper features
 Laus-Tracker deprecatedDeprecated Laus-Tracker features
 Remote control deprecatedDeprecated remote control features
 User interfacesIncludes those interface modules, which may directly interact with the user
 LedsFunctions which handle the leds
 Advanced informations
 ButtonsFunctions which handle the buttons
 Advanced informations
 BeeperFunctions which handle the beeper
 Advanced informations
 DisplayFunctions which handle the display
 Advanced informations
 UARTFunctions which handle the uart
 Advanced informations
 TWI WrapperFunctions which simplify handling of register based twi-slaves
 Advanced informations
 External interfacesIncludes those interface modules, which connect to external software
 Packed CommunicationFunctions which use the uart for packed communication
 Advanced informations
 Laus-TrackerFunctions which handle the Laus-Tracker
 Advanced informations
 Remote controlFunctions which handle the remote control
 Advanced informations
 AdditionalsIncludes additional software modules
 PID-controlFunctions which handle the PID-control