▼Sensors | Includes all sensor modules |
▼Encoders | Functions which handle the wheel encoders |
►Advanced informations | |
▼Sharps | Functions which handle the IR-distance sensors |
►Advanced informations | |
▼Line | Functions which handle the line sensors |
►Advanced informations | |
▼Bumpers | Functions which handle the bumper sensors |
►Advanced informations | |
▼Tsops | Functions which handle the IR-beacon sensors |
►Advanced informations | |
▼Imu | Functions which handle the inertial measurement unit |
►Advanced informations | |
▼Battery voltage | Functions which handle the battery voltage |
►Advanced informations | |
▼Current | Functions which handle the motor current |
►Advanced informations | |
▼Actuators | Includes all actuator modules |
▼Servo | Functions which handle the servo |
►Advanced informations | |
▼Motors | Functions which handle the motors |
►Advanced informations | |
▼Drive | Functions which handle the simplified driving |
►Advanced informations | |
▼Internal functions | Includes all internal modules |
▼Basic functions | Functions which handle basics |
►Advanced informations | |
▼Time | Functions which handle the time |
►Advanced informations | |
▼Mode | Functions which handle the library mode |
►Advanced informations | |
▼Robot ID | Functions which handle the Robot ID |
►Advanced informations | |
▼EEPROM | Functions which handle the EEPROM |
►Advanced informations | |
▼TWI | Functions which handle the TWI |
►Advanced informations | |
▼Backwards compatibility | Functions which ensure backward compatibility with older versions |
Encoders deprecated | Deprecated encoder features |
Sharps deprecated | Deprecated ir-distance sensor features |
Line deprecated | Deprecated line sensor features |
Tsop deprecated | Deprecated ir-beacon sensor features |
IMU deprecated | Deprecated IMU features |
Motors deprecated | Deprecated motor features |
Drive deprecated | Deprecated drive features |
Basic deprecated | Deprecated basic features |
Time deprecated | Deprecated time features |
Motor currents deprecated | Deprecated motor current features |
EEPROM deprecated | Deprecated EEPROM features |
TWI deprecated | Deprecated TWI features |
Robot ID deprecated | Deprecated Robot ID features |
TWI Wrapper deprecated | Deprecated TWI-Wrapper features |
Laus-Tracker deprecated | Deprecated Laus-Tracker features |
Remote control deprecated | Deprecated remote control features |
▼User interfaces | Includes those interface modules, which may directly interact with the user |
▼Leds | Functions which handle the leds |
►Advanced informations | |
▼Buttons | Functions which handle the buttons |
►Advanced informations | |
▼Beeper | Functions which handle the beeper |
►Advanced informations | |
▼Display | Functions which handle the display |
►Advanced informations | |
▼UART | Functions which handle the uart |
►Advanced informations | |
▼TWI Wrapper | Functions which simplify handling of register based twi-slaves |
►Advanced informations | |
▼External interfaces | Includes those interface modules, which connect to external software |
▼Packed Communication | Functions which use the uart for packed communication |
►Advanced informations | |
▼Laus-Tracker | Functions which handle the Laus-Tracker |
►Advanced informations | |
▼Remote control | Functions which handle the remote control |
►Advanced informations | |
▼Additionals | Includes additional software modules |
PID-control | Functions which handle the PID-control |