Macros | Functions

deprecated time features More...


#define kTimeMinute
 deprecated constant: see kTimeGetMinutes
#define kTimeSecond
 deprecated constant: see kTimeGetSeconds
#define kTimeHundredth
 deprecated constant: see kTimeGetHundredths


uint32_t ticks_get (void)
 Returns the current number of ticks since last reset. More...
uint8_t time_cycle_add (void(function)(void), uint8_t interval)
 Adds a function to the cyclic called functions. More...
void time_cycle_clear (uint8_t id)
 Removes a function from the cyclic called functions. More...

Detailed Description

deprecated time features

Function Documentation

◆ ticks_get()

uint32_t ticks_get ( void  )

Returns the current number of ticks since last reset.

Function is deprecated!

See also

◆ time_cycle_add()

uint8_t time_cycle_add ( void(function)(void)  ,
uint8_t  interval 

Adds a function to the cyclic called functions.

Function is deprecated!

See also

◆ time_cycle_clear()

void time_cycle_clear ( uint8_t  id)

Removes a function from the cyclic called functions.

Function is deprecated!

See also