Macros | Functions

advanced functions More...


#define tucbot_servo_signal(x)
 function: drives the data line to the servo
#define tucbot_servo_ddr(x)
 function: enables/disables the data line to the servo


void tucbot_servo_set (uint16_t pos)
 Sets the servo to the pwm value pos. More...

Detailed Description

advanced functions

Function Documentation

◆ tucbot_servo_set()

void tucbot_servo_set ( uint16_t  pos)

Sets the servo to the pwm value pos.

This function changes the pwm value of the servo, but does not turn it on. This must be done explicitly with servo_on().

pos16-bit unsigned integer (1800..6000)
Servo position in timer-units. For mechanical protection the value must be between 1800 and 6000.
See also
servo_set(), servo_on(), servo_off()