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Institut für Soziologie
Meetings and Workshops
Institut für Soziologie 


2025 Meeting of the SEM Working Group at the TU Chemnitz

The next meeting of the SEM Working Group will take place on 19-21 March 2025 at the TU Chemnitz. The meeting is organized by Prof. Dr. Jochen Mayerl and Dr. Henrik Andersen of the University of Technology Chemnitz, Institut of Sociology and in cooperation with the Methods Competency Center (Methodenkompetenzzentrum, MKZ).

Keynote addresses will be given by Prof. Bart Meuleman (KU Leuven) and Prof. Jost Reinecke (University of Bielefeld) together with Prof. Peter Schmidt (University of Giessen).

There is no conference fee. Participation is free for active and passive participants.

Conference Programme

The preliminary conference programme can be found here.

Pre-Conference Workshop

Prof. Yves Rosseel (University of Ghent), author of the lavaan package for SEM in R, will be giving a pre-conference workshop on the Structural After Measurements Approach to Structural Equation Modeling. The workshop will take place from 14:00-17:00 on 19 March, 2025. Both speakers and passive participants are invited to take part in the workshop. Use the link below to register.


The conference, as well as the pre-conference workshop by Yves Rosseel is open to passive participants. Please register via the following form. Therein you can select what parts of the conference you would like to participate in.


For questions and concerns, please contact local organizer Henrik Andersen (henrik.andersen@soziologie.tu-chemnitz.de).

Past meetings

Here is an overview of some of the past meetings of the SEM Working Group.



Local organizers


Enschede, Netherlands

Jörg Henseler & Florian Schuberth (University of Twente)


Bielefeld, Germany

Jost Reinecke, Tom Blank, Chrstina Beckord & Silke Voß (University of Bielefeld)


Tilburg, Netherlands

Sara van Erp (University of Tilburg)



Reinhard Hössinger, Juliane Stark & Maria Juschten (University of Vienna)


Tübingen, Germany

Augustin Kelava & Stefano Noventa (University of Tübingen)


Amsterdam, Netherlands

Frans Oort & Mathilde Verdam (University of Amsterdam)