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Fakultät für Informatik
Fakultät für Informatik 


328. Informatik-Kolloquium

Öffentliche Verteidigung im Rahmen des Promotionsverfahrens

Herr Dipl.-Inf. Liang Zhang

TU Chemnitz
Fakultät für Informatik
Professur Graphische Datenverarbeitung und Visualisierung

"Creating an Autonomously Interactive Virtual Character"

Montag, 15.05.2023, 12:30 Uhr, Straße der Nationen 62, Böttcher-Bau, 1/336 (neu: A12.336)

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This thesis describes a set of techniques and methods to create an autonomously interactive character as a virtual opponent in a Virtual Reality (VR) application for anticipation training in sports karate. Convincing karate movements are created by blending adequate motion capture data in real-time with motion blending. Attack techniques with a precise attacking position are achieved by using hybrid Inverse Kinematics. Stepping movements are created with a motion graph approach, enabling the virtual character to adapt the position relative to the user’s position. An offline preprocessing method is proposed to cope with a large amount of motion capture data. The realized character can autonomously and interactively respond to the trainee’s movement and perform a suitable hand attack. A user study among karate athletes shows a general acceptance of the implemented system as a useful tool for anticipation training.