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Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften
Informationen und Ansprechpartner
Deutsch  English

Overview of information and contacts

Dear Students, Staff and Members of the Faculty,

If you have a problem/concern, please do not hesitate to address the person concerned directly in order to find a common solution. Your feedback is welcome. In the case, that a problem cannot solved directly with the person concerned, we have put together a list with information and contact addresses for you.

Request Faculty University
General overview of counseling and support services at the TU Chemnitz   Consulting and support services [de]
Supervisors at the TU Chemnitz
Fakultätsangelegenheiten Dean's office [de]  
Institute Affairs Institute of Chemistry
Institute of Physics
Equality, equal opportunities, discrimination, advancement of women, diversity and integration Equal Opportunity Officer [de]
Anonymous contact form [de]
Centre for Equal Opportunities in Science and Research
Council of confidence
Student council, dep. anti-discrimination
Commissioner for foreigners
Gender Equality Representative
Reconciling study, work and care   Family Portal
Inclusion and Accessibility   Inclusion [de]
Representative for disabled persons [de]
Mental health and personal crises   Psychosocial Counselling Center [de]
Psychological counselling service of the Studentenwerk
Data Protection Officer   Data Protection Officer [de]
Advice for employees   Feedback management for employees [de]
Staff committees [de]
Council of confidence
Youth and trainee representation   Youth and trainee representation [de]
Conflict resolution on the workplace (Mobbing)   Employer representative conflict resolution in the workplace (Mobbing): Paul Seidel
( )
Counseling for students If you have a problem/concern, please do not hesitate to talk to the teacher or professor Feedback management for students [de]
Counselling and support offers [de]
Orientation of study Academic Advisory Service [de]
Study commissions [de]
Central Course Guidance Service
Student Service
Concerns regarding the course study Deans of study [de]  
Examination matters and recognition of study achievements Examination boards [de] Central Examination Office
Promotion Deans Office of Natural Sciences [de]
Doctoral Committee [de]
Centre for Young Scientists
Quality management Study quality management [de] TUCpanel
Study Success Management [de]
System accreditation [de]
System accreditation consultant
Suspicion of scientific misconduct   Processing of investigation
Student representation Student representatives of the faculty:
FSR Chemistry [de]
FSR Physics [de]
Student council
Career orientation Berufsperspektiven für SeKo-Studierende [de] Career Service
Internships   Job portal of the TU Chemnitz (Career Service) [de]
Appeals Process Monitor   Appointment Procedure Monitor [de]
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