ECTS - European Credit Transfer System
Outgoing students, please consult the pages linked here
Incoming students, welcome to the SOCRATES-ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) pages for English. On these pages you will find information on your partners at Chemnitz University of Technology either by downloading the complete information package (in pdf-format) or by following the specific links below.
The English department at Chemnitz offers a new internationally compatible English Bachelor programme (B.A.):
- a broad basis of language, literature, and culture
- specialisation options in the final year
- specific language practice and professional skills modules
- an integrated year abroad
- special emphasis on worldwide and media applications

Since our courses are taught in English, you only need "survival German" but an international English certificate (TOESOL/EILTS) is advisable. Alternatively, you may take (and pass) the
English Department English Test before the term starts.
Visitors interested in research can find information in the four research units: The REAL Centre for English language and linguistics, English literature, American studies and British and American cultural and social studies.
We hope to see you in Chemnitz soon.
Prof. Dr. Josef Schmied, ECTS representative |