> ECTS >Leisure activities

ECTS - Leisure Activities

The university offers a variety of leisure programmes and provides a number of sporting facilities to make the semester as enjoyable as possible.


The university sports centre offers a wide range of indoor and outdoor sports, including karate, alpine sports, hiking, climbing, paragliding, tennis, swimming, dancing, volleyball, and many more. The complete programme is available in the dining halls at the beginning of each semester.

For information please contact the Sportbüro der USG Chemnitz e.V. or, the Universitätssportzentrum.



The various student clubs are a good and easy way to meet new people, talk to other students, listen to music, or just relax. They are managed by students and include social as well as more academic events, for example movie evenings, slide shows and dancing. See this webpage for an overview.

In addition there are many pubs, restaurants and cafés with a friendly atmosphere located in town.



The Chemnitz University of Technology runs a great number of associations and student groups. Joining one is a great way to meet people and learn from each other. The English Club meets in room 138 of Reichenhainer Straße 39 every Tuesday at 7.30 p.m. During these gatherings, students can improve and practise their English and discuss aspects of English, American and German culture. The Dance Club, where students can learn more than 200 dances from various countries, such as Israel, Germany, France, Scotland etc., is situated in Reichenhainer Str. 35/37. For lovers of photography, the Fotoclub might be the right choice.


Cultural Activities

Chemnitz's particular strengths are its cabaret scene and the opera company. However, the other cultural traditions are well-represented in theater, galleries, and museums. Two unique museums of particular interest to students of science are the "Industrie Museum" (Museum of Industry) and the "Spiele Museum" (Games and Toys Museum). Information on these and on special events is available from the city's theater service: (0371) 488-4665. There are pubs, restaurants, and cafes of various cuisines and styles distributed throughout Chemnitz. Several cinemas show foreign and art films (e.g., Voxxx, ClubKino Siegmar) and the current box office scene is also quite well represented (Film Palast Luxor). There is a woman's centre (Lila Villa) and many youth clubs (Haus "Spektrum", Kraftwerk, B-Plan, Arthur to mention just a few). The city's Environmental Centre (Umweltzentrum) is home to several national environmental organizations, a "Third World" shop, and a vegetarian cafe/restaurant.



On campus, several rooms have been reserved for weekly religious meetings of students from the Protestant and Catholic community. More information is posted on the board in the dining hall (Mensa) on Reichenhainer Str. 55.