ECTS - Insurance and study facilities
Health Insurance
All residents of Germany must have health insurance. When registering at the International Students' Office - AAA - of the Chemnitz University of Technology, students will be asked to show the necessary documents from their own health insurance organizations (E111, or E107 form). If a student does not have such documents, he or she is required to purchase a health insurance in Chemnitz (addresses can be obtained from the Studentenwerk).
Liability Insurance
At the Chemnitz University of Technology, there is no requirement for a third-party liability insurance policy. But students are advised to subscribe to such an insurance policy in their home country.
Study Facilities
The library is divided into a Central Library, several smaller branches, a patent information center, and a collection of standardizations. It provides books, journals, audio-visual material, and electronic information services. The central catalogue system, already partly computerized, comprises the holdings of all libraries and is accessible at all library locations as well as via the Internet.
Computer Facilities
Director: Prof. Dr. Uwe Hübner Str. der Nationen 62; Room 357d phone: (0371)531-1434 / fax: (0371)531-1629
The University Computer Network is a central, scientific facility at the Chemnitz University of Technology. It connects the on-campus network with national and world-wide communication webs, effectively catering to the university's technical demands. The computer labs have developed into a leading facility providing consulting and services for users of today's modern data processing systems. They are accessible to both students and research staff. Student dormitory rooms can be connected to the Internet. Furthermore, tuition-free computer classes are available.
Public Transport
The transportation network in Chemnitz (CVAG) is quite extensive with more than 30 bus lines and 6 tram lines. The same ticket is valid for either bus or tram with no transfer fees. Weekly, monthly, and annual tickets are available.
The trip from the campus (Reichenhainer Straße) to the center of town only takes you 5 minutes (bus #32). From the main bus station (Zentralhaltestelle) in the city center it is possible to get to at least 4 major shopping centres: - Alt Chemnitz Center ACC: tram #6 - 15 minutes - Chemnitz - Center Röhrsdorf: bus #21 - 25 minutes - Neefepark: bus #54 - 21 minutes - Sachsen-Allee: bus #54 - 8 minutes.
In addition, there are also regional buses and trains that operate between Chemnitz and other cities or nearby communities (for instance, Chemnitz - Dresden or Chemnitz -Leipzig, 80 km).
Branches of several major German banks are located in Chemnitz:
The Sparkasse, the Deutsche Bank, the Dresdner Bank, the Post Bank, the Commerz Bank, and the Schmidt Bank. There, an account can be opened at no charge and, with a copy of a valid student i.d., fees may be reduced or waived.
Tourist Information Office
Stadthalle Chemnitz, Kultur- und Kongreßzentrum GmbH Rathausstraße 1. phone: (0371) 4508-750 / -751 office hours: Mon. - Fri.: from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. / Sat.: from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m.)