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English Department
Outgoing students
English Department 

Information for Outgoing Students (ERASMUS+ and others)

Students at TU Chemnitz can fulfil the semester abroad requirement in one of three ways: 

  1. Study abroad (e.g., in Europe through the ERASMUS+ programme or at international universities with the more competitive PROMOS scholarship).
  2. Complete an internship or gain work experience in an English-speaking environment.
  3. Undertake an international semester at home (Auslandsorientiertes Semester): This option is only available to students with limited mobility (e.g., due to health or family reasons) who apply for this alternative programme through the department's examination board.

Page contents

  1. General information for all TU Chemnitz students
  2. Contact
  3. Free movers
  4. Where to go
  6. When you come back
  7. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Study Abroad: Essential Information for TUC English Studies Students

The following information is for all TUC English Studies students who would like to study abroad

Students planning their semester abroad should consult the ERASMUS timeline because planning begins nearly a year in advance. Attending the departmental information event in November/December is essential. This event will cover exchange options, funding opportunities, personal experiences from other students, and a Q&A to help you prepare for a successful semester abroad. 

Your primary source for more information is the International Office. Please visit the International Office's website and contact them with all your questions regarding funding, application deadlines, available universities and placements. Make sure to also check the website of the IUZ for more information on the individual universities such as fact sheets or Erasmus+ codes.

For details on obtaining credits (PL) for your semester abroad upon return, please refer to the bottom of this page.

All students are also required to register for the OPAL Course Auslandsemester (B.A. English Studies).


If you have any questions about going abroad, you can send an email to  or contact our ERASMUS advisor Dr. Isabelle van der Bom or Ms. Cansu Akan directly. 


Free movers

If you plan to study at a university with which TU Chemnitz has no agreement (i.e. none of those listed on this page), you are considered a free mover. This means you will most likely need to self-fund your stay. Free movers can largely follow the same procedure as ERASMUS+ students. However, you should use the learning agreement form provided on the PROMOS webpage when planning your stay abroad (regardless of whether you are applying for the PROMOS scholarship or not), and ensure the form signed by your departmental coordinator (Dr. Isabelle van der Bom) and your host institution.

Please also note that free movers can apply for a PROMOS scholarship, which may provide financial support for travel and language courses. The International Office can supply you with further information on PROMOS and funding opportunities as a free mover.


Where to go



ERASMUS+ offers you the opportunity to gain new intercultural experiences and to learn more about how English is taught and studied in other European+ countries. For lesser-known languages ​​such as Finnish, summer language schools are funded by ERASMUS upon application.

Download and read the timeline of the most important steps for organising your exchange as soon as possible, as planning starts almost a year before your stay abroad. The timeline provides you with information on how to apply for a place at your chosen university, what to include in the motivation letter, when to obtain the signatures on your Learning Agreement by and more.

Complete the online application form for ERASMUS+ and submit it to the International Office (IUZ). You will need to provide the names of two members of academic staff as references. Make sure to choose two lecturers who know you reasonably well and ask them for their consent beforehand.

Below is a list of all the partner universities of our department where you can study during your semester abroad. Additionally, you may apply through other departments at TU Chemnitz for an exchange with their partner universities if they have free places.

Please note that some of the universities have specific requirements . These are listed in the table below. If you are asked to provide a language certificate , download the form DAAD Sprachzeugnis form, fill in the first few sections, print it out and take it to the Departmental Language Coordinator (Dr. van der Bom) for their signature, so that you can add it to your application.

For first-hand experience from students who have already studied at these universities, consult the ERASMUS reports.



Specialization / Course Selection / Special requirements



Course Catalogue                                                       

Czech Republic



Czech Republic

Languages ​​and Philological Sciences / Faculty of Humanities





Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences/Language Studies, English Literature


Languages ​​and Philological Sciences


Applied Languages (EILA)


Languages ​​and Philological Sciences / Faculté des Lettres & des Langues


Studies in Language Mediation and Intercultural Communication
Requirement: a genuine interest in Italy and the Italian language


only English and Italian

North Macedonia

Languages ​​and Philological Sciences



Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Languages


Institute of English, Faculty of Philology



Translation Studies / Department of Anglo-American Studies
Requirement: some knowledge in translation studies










Translation Studies & Corpus Linguistics / Faculty of Arts, Departamento de Filología Moderna
Requirement: some knowledge of corpus linguistics



Functional & Generative Grammar / Departamento de Filología, Inglesa, Francesa y Alemana
Requirement: some knowledge of grammar studies



ELT / Department of English Language and Literature




Europe (non-ERASMUS)

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Czech Republic







These exchange programmes are coordinated by Ms. Nadja Hüller at the IUZ.

If you would like to study at one of these institutions, you can apply for a PROMOS scholarship, which offers financial support for travel and language courses. Please contact the International Office for further information on PROMOS.

When planning your stay abroad, please use the learning agreement form provided on the PROMOS webpage.







South Korea




These exchange programmes are coordinated by Ms. Nadja Hüller at the IUZ.

If you would like to study at one of these institutions, you can apply for a PROMOS scholarship, which offers financial support for travel and language courses. Please contact the International Office for further information on PROMOS.

When planning your stay abroad, please use the learning agreement form provided on the PROMOS webpage.

Working in Asia


Middle East


North America


South America



These exchange programmes are coordinated by Ms. Nadja Hüller at the IUZ.

If you would like to study at one of these institutions, you can apply for a PROMOS scholarship, which offers financial support for travel and language courses. Please contact the International Office for further information on PROMOS.

When planning your stay abroad, please use the learning agreement form provided on the PROMOS webpage.

When you come back

1) Create a portfolio (PVL) documenting your stay abroad.

Create a folder containing your learning agreement, course descriptions from the host university, corrected/marked term papers (if available), transcript of records, and this cover sheet. Most importantly, the portfolio should include a reflective essay (approximately 5 pages, written in English).

In your reflective essay, discuss the expectations you had before going abroad, any unexpected experiences during your stay, changes you made to your programme of study (and the reasons behind them), and the differences you noticed compared to home (in terms of classes, programmes, cities, culture etc.). Reflect on the outcomes of the semester abroad and its impact on your language skills, outlook on life, and your future plans.

For the reflective essay, you may want consider the following aspects as possible guidelines:

  • Introduction: Describe your situation, including where you went, the dates of your stay, what you did, and/or any significant events that occurred.
  • Evaluation: Discuss what was positive/negative, easy/difficult, pleasant/unpleasant, etc. Compare and contrast your experiences, and explain why some aspects may have differed from your expectations.
  • Reflection on learning experience: Report what you learned at the foreign university; how the teaching methodology differed from what you had experienced so far; what you learned from living in a foreign city.
  • Reflection on the impact of your experience: Explain how your experiences have influenced your future plans and possibly your BA topic. What actions do you intend to take moving forward?
  • Conclusion: Offer advice for other students planning to study at your host university. What would you have done differently, in hindsight?

Note: The reflective essay should be written in an academic, formal style but, unlike other academic writing, it should be in the first person perspective and include your personal thoughts and opinions .


2) Take the oral examination (PL).

Submit your portfolio (including the reflective essay) to the language practice coordinator (Dr. van der Bom) and register for the oral examination by writing her an email.

Usually orals take place at the end of the Winter Semester or at the beginning of the Summer Semester, depending on submission date. In the 15-minute oral exam, you will be asked questions about your experience abroad based on your portfolio by two examiners. Make sure to present your arguments in clear, academic English, highlighting the intercultural, linguistic, and academic differences between your host and home universities. Provide ample evidence, using concrete examples from your classes and term papers, and be prepared to discuss the grades you received at your host university. The grading of the oral exam will focus primarily on your language proficiency.

Your overall module grade is determined by the ZPA and is calculated as the average of:
a) your oral exam result;
b) the average of your best grades received abroad as calculated by the Prüfungsausschuss (at least 50% of the grades you received during your studies abroad must be taken into account);

For example, if you received
a) the grade 1.3 in the oral exam and
b) the grades 1.7, 2, 3.3 and 4 abroad (average of best 50% = 1.8),
your final grade is 1.5.

For full details, please consult your Studienordnung.


3) Optional: Write a report about your experience abroad and share it with other students.

Possibly the ERASMUS reports with first-hand experience from other students helped you to decide for your host university abroad. We kindly request you to write similar report, so that it can be of use to future students. Please send this report to the coordinator at the IUZ (Oliver Sachs). You may also include this ERASMUS report in your portfolio.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

You either apply for studying at a host university (e.g. with ERASMUS) or find yourself an internship abroad (e.g. with the support from the LEONARDO-Büro). You can find more information on the individual options on our website or the websites of the IUZ. Once you decided on an option for going abroad, please register your choice in our accompanying OPAL course for the semester abroad (Modul Auslandssemester).

You find an overview of our partner universities on our Website.

Yes, but not with ERASMUS. This would make you a Free Mover. You can organise the stay on your own (with the help from the IUZ) and/or apply for support from PROMOS.

The overview of our partner universities on our Website includes links to the courses offered at the partner institution. You can display this information by clicking on the respective “info” buttons in the table.

You need to earn at least 20 credits through courses at the partner institution. In combination with the portfolio and oral exam upon your return you will achieve the 30 credits necessary for the Module Auslandssemester.

Yes. In that case you need to follow the usual process for semesters abroad. One of the semesters abroad can be accounted for the Module Auslandssemester. If you have earned credits during your second semester abroad, you can to fill in this form to apply to the Prüfungsausschuss for recognition of those credits instead of similar classes that you have not taken yet at TU Chemnitz.

Yes, you do. We always recommend filling in a Learning Agreement (especially with regard to which courses our institution will accept). If there are any changes to the courses in the originally completed Learning Agreement, you need to fill out an amendment form. More information and links to the forms can be found on our Website and the website of the IUZ.

You should earn at least 20 ECTS credits with courses during your stay abroad. Should you fail courses (or fear that you may fail courses) and end up with less than 20 ECTS credits, get in touch with your coordinators (Dr. Isabelle van der Bom, Prof. Dr. Cecile Sandten or Cansu Akan) as soon as possible.

You need to submit a portfolio to Dr. Isabelle van der Bom and take an oral examination. This is the same, regardless of whether you went abroad with ERASMUS, as a Free Mover or for an internship. More information on the details can be found on our Website.

Dr. Isabelle van der Bom, Cansu Akan and Prof. Dr. Cecile Sandten can give you advice on host universities.