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Institut für Physik
Ph-Kolloquium (Archiv)
Institut für Physik 

Physikalisches Kolloquium



ARCHIV: Sommersemester 2021

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Simulation of Processes, Materials, and Devices for Nanoelectronics - Theoretical and Computational Physics for Engineering

Dr. Jörg Schuster (Fraunhofer-Institute for Electronic Nanosystems, Chemnitz)
Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Angela Thränhardt (Tel.: 0371 531 37636, angela.thraenhardt@physik.tu-chemnitz.de)
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From the critical Casimir effect to the Ising model on the rectangle

Prof. Dr. Fred Hucht (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Martin Weigel (Tel: 34570, Email: martin.weigel@physik.tu-chemnitz.de)
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An economic model of the Covid-19 pandemic with young and old agents: Behavior, testing and policies

Frau Prof. Dr. Michele Tertilt (Universität Mannheim)
Kontakt: Frau Prof. Dr. Angela Thränhardt (Tel: 37636, Email: angela.thraenhardt@physik.tu-chemnitz.de)
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