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Chemnitz University of Technology Scores Multiple Times in CHE Ranking 2023/2024

The University excels in the currently ranked subjects of Business Administration, Economics, Business Sciences, Business Administration and Engineering, and Business Information Systems

Students of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Chemnitz University of Technology are very satisfied with several aspects of their studies. This is also confirmed by the latest ranking of the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE), which was published on May 9, 2023, in the new Study Guide 2023/2024 of the weekly newspaper Die Zeit and in their new online portal HeyStudium. More than 300 higher education institutions were reviewed by CHE. This year, the subjects offered at Chemnitz University of Technology, including Business Administration, Economics, Business Administration and Engineering, and Business Information Systems, were also analyzed.

Chemnitz University of Technology receives excellent ratings in the subjects of Business Administration, Business Administration and Engineering, and Business Information Systems, especially in the category "Support at the Beginning of Studies". In the CHE ranking, Business Information Systems is also ranked among the top group in the category "Graduations in a Reasonable Time" for master's students. In Business Administration and Engineering, bachelor students particularly praise the contact with professional practice. Study organization and library facilities are highly rated by students of Business Administration. Furthermore, in the subjects of Business Administration and Economics, Chemnitz University of Technology also ranks at the top in the category "Doctorates per Professorship."

For a comprehensive overview of studying in Chemnitz, the updated landing page "Studying in Chemnitz" is recommended. This web portal aims to pique the interest of prospective students in Chemnitz University of Technology, accompany them on their way into studying, and support them at the start of their studies. Helpful information and tips about the decision to study, the start of studies and beyond are bundled here. Additionally, Chemnitz University of Technology invites prospective students to the "Open House Day" on June 3, 2023, where they can receive comprehensive advice about studying in Chemnitz.

Overview of other ranking results and awards since 2022:

• Chemnitz University of Technology ranked 3rd in the StudyCheck.de ranking of the most popular universities in Germany

Chemnitz University of Technology achieved top placements in the online review portal StudyCheck.de, both in the ranking "Most Popular Universities 2023" (3rd place nationwide, 1st place in East Germany) and in the "Digital Readiness Live-Ranking" (1st place among universities nationwide, as of 19.01.2023). The ranking is based on the evaluation of about 80,000 reviews from more than 500 German higher education institutions.

• Chemnitz University of Technology scores in the CHE Ranking 2022 for master's programs

With its master's degree offerings in the subjects of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Mechanical Engineering, and Psychology, Chemnitz University of Technology scored points in the latest ranking for master's programs by the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE). In the subject of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Chemnitz University of Technology offers master's students excellent contact with professional practice. The subject also reached the top group due to a high number of citations of its researchers' publications. Mechanical Engineering master's students particularly praised the study organization. The subject of psychology scored high among master's students for support during their studies. A top ranking was also achieved in Mechanical Engineering for research funding per researcher.

• Students give Chemnitz University of Technology very good ratings in the CHE Ranking 2022

Chemnitz University of Technology receives many excellent ratings in the latest CHE Ranking, particularly in the subject of Psychology. Chemnitz students appreciate the support from teaching staff, assistance during their studies, and the range of courses offered in this subject. The fact that an undergraduate degree can be completed in a reasonable amount of time is also positively assessed by psychology students. According to the CHE survey, students in the study programs of the Faculties of Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering and Information Technology receive excellent support at the beginning of their studies, just like the students in Psychology. The university library, the equipment of the practical labs, and the contact with professional practice during the master's program in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology are also rated very positively by the students. In the subject of German Studies, the study organization is particularly praised. Mechanical Engineering achieves a top position in research funding per researcher, as well as in the facilities and in the diploma program in Mechanical Engineering in the category "Contact with Professional Practice". Publications by researchers in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology are frequently cited.

(Article: Mario Steinebach / Translation: Brent Benofsky)

Matthias Fejes

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