Biological Models of Reinforcement Learning
Biological Models of Reinforcement Learning
erschienen: 2009, Künstliche Intelligenz, 3:12-18
author = {Julien Vitay and Jeremy Fix and Frederik Beuth and H. Schroll and Fred Hamker },
title = {{B}iological {M}odels of {R}einforcement {L}earning },
journal = {Künstliche Intelligenz},
year = {2009},
month = {},
pages = {3:12-18},
Dr. Julien Vitay, Dr. Jeremy Fix, Dipl. Inf. Frederik Beuth, H. Schroll, Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker
Autoren: Dr. Julien Vitay, Dr. Jeremy Fix, Dipl. Inf. Frederik Beuth, H. Schroll, Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker Daten:
erschienen: 2009, Künstliche Intelligenz, 3:12-18
title = {{B}iological {M}odels of {R}einforcement {L}earning },
journal = {Künstliche Intelligenz},
year = {2009},
month = {},
pages = {3:12-18},
Dr. Julien Vitay, Dr. Jeremy Fix, Dipl. Inf. Frederik Beuth, H. Schroll, Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker
Künstliche Intelligenz pages: 3:12-18
Erscheinungsdatum 2009
Attentional selection of noncontiguous locations: The spotlight is only transiently split.
Attentional selection of noncontiguous locations: The spotlight is only transiently split.
erschienen: 2009, Journal of Vision, 9(5):3, 1-11
author = {J. Dubois and Fred Hamker and R. VanRullen },
title = {{A}ttentional selection of noncontiguous locations: {T}he spotlight is only transiently split. },
journal = {Journal of Vision, 9(5):3},
year = {2009},
month = {},
pages = { 1-11},
J. Dubois, Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker , R. VanRullen
Autoren: J. Dubois, Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker , R. VanRullenDaten:
erschienen: 2009, Journal of Vision, 9(5):3, 1-11
title = {{A}ttentional selection of noncontiguous locations: {T}he spotlight is only transiently split. },
journal = {Journal of Vision, 9(5):3},
year = {2009},
month = {},
pages = { 1-11},
J. Dubois, Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker , R. VanRullen
Journal of Vision, 9(5):3 pages: 1-11
Erscheinungsdatum 2009
Efficient Coding correlates with spatial frequency tuning in a model of V1 receptive field organization
Efficient Coding correlates with spatial frequency tuning in a model of V1 receptive field organization
erschienen: 2009, Visual Neuroscience. 26:, 21-34
author = {Jan Wiltschult and Fred Hamker },
title = {{E}fficient {C}oding correlates with spatial frequency tuning in a model of {V}1 receptive field organization },
journal = {Visual Neuroscience. 26:},
year = {2009},
month = {},
pages = {21-34},
Dipl. Math. Jan Wiltschult, Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker
Autoren: Dipl. Math. Jan Wiltschult, Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker Daten:
erschienen: 2009, Visual Neuroscience. 26:, 21-34
title = {{E}fficient {C}oding correlates with spatial frequency tuning in a model of {V}1 receptive field organization },
journal = {Visual Neuroscience. 26:},
year = {2009},
month = {},
pages = {21-34},
Dipl. Math. Jan Wiltschult, Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker
Visual Neuroscience. 26: pages: 21-34
Erscheinungsdatum 2009
Verschmelzendes Clustering in Artmap
Verschmelzendes Clustering in Artmap
erschienen: 2009, Workshop Audiovisuelle Medien (WAM2009), 93-106
author = {Frederik Beuth and Marc Ritter },
title = {{V}erschmelzendes {C}lustering in {A}rtmap },
journal = {Workshop Audiovisuelle Medien (WAM2009)},
year = {2009},
month = {},
pages = {93-106},
Dipl. Inf. Frederik Beuth, Dipl. Inf. Marc Ritter
Autoren: Dipl. Inf. Frederik Beuth, Dipl. Inf. Marc RitterDaten:
erschienen: 2009, Workshop Audiovisuelle Medien (WAM2009), 93-106
title = {{V}erschmelzendes {C}lustering in {A}rtmap },
journal = {Workshop Audiovisuelle Medien (WAM2009)},
year = {2009},
month = {},
pages = {93-106},
Dipl. Inf. Frederik Beuth, Dipl. Inf. Marc Ritter
Workshop Audiovisuelle Medien (WAM2009) pages: 93-106
Erscheinungsdatum 2009
Sustained activities and retrival in a computational model of perirhinal cortex
Sustained activities and retrival in a computational model of perirhinal cortex
erschienen: 2008, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 20:11, 1993-2005
author = {Julien Vitay and Fred Hamker },
title = {{S}ustained activities and retrival in a computational model of perirhinal cortex },
journal = {Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 20:11},
year = {2008},
month = {},
pages = {1993-2005},
Dr. Julien Vitay, Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker
Autoren: Dr. Julien Vitay, Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker Daten:
erschienen: 2008, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 20:11, 1993-2005
title = {{S}ustained activities and retrival in a computational model of perirhinal cortex },
journal = {Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 20:11},
year = {2008},
month = {},
pages = {1993-2005},
Dr. Julien Vitay, Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 20:11 pages: 1993-2005
Erscheinungsdatum 2008
Influence of adaptation state and stimulus luminance on peri-saccadic localization
Influence of adaptation state and stimulus luminance on peri-saccadic localization
erschienen: 2008, J. Vision 8(1):15, 1-11
author = {K. Georg and Fred Hamker and M. Lappe },
title = {{I}nfluence of adaptation state and stimulus luminance on peri-saccadic localization },
journal = {J. Vision 8(1):15},
year = {2008},
month = {},
pages = {1-11},
K. Georg, Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker , M. Lappe
Autoren: K. Georg, Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker , M. LappeDaten:
erschienen: 2008, J. Vision 8(1):15, 1-11
title = {{I}nfluence of adaptation state and stimulus luminance on peri-saccadic localization },
journal = {J. Vision 8(1):15},
year = {2008},
month = {},
pages = {1-11},
K. Georg, Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker , M. Lappe
J. Vision 8(1):15 pages: 1-11
Erscheinungsdatum 2008
The peri-saccadic perception of objects and space
The peri-saccadic perception of objects and space
erschienen: 2008, PLOS Computational Biology 4(2):e21
@unknown{Hamker 2008Te
author = {Fred Hamker and Marc Zirnsak and D. Calow and M. Lappe },
title = {{T}he peri-saccadic perception of objects and space },
journal = {PLOS Computational Biology 4(2):e21},
year = {2008},
month = {},
Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker , Dipl. Psych. Marc Zirnsak, D. Calow, M. Lappe
Autoren: Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker , Dipl. Psych. Marc Zirnsak, D. Calow, M. LappeDaten:
erschienen: 2008, PLOS Computational Biology 4(2):e21
@unknown{Hamker 2008Te
title = {{T}he peri-saccadic perception of objects and space },
journal = {PLOS Computational Biology 4(2):e21},
year = {2008},
month = {},
Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker , Dipl. Psych. Marc Zirnsak, D. Calow, M. Lappe
PLOS Computational Biology 4(2):e21 pages:
Erscheinungsdatum 2008
About the influence of post-saccadic mechanisms for visual stability on peri-saccadic compression of object location
About the influence of post-saccadic mechanisms for visual stability on peri-saccadic compression of object location
erschienen: 2008, Journal of Vision, 8(14):1, 1-13
@unknown{Hamker 2008An
author = {Fred Hamker and Marc Zirnsak and M. Lappe },
title = {{A}bout the influence of post-saccadic mechanisms for visual stability on peri-saccadic compression of object location },
journal = {Journal of Vision, 8(14):1},
year = {2008},
month = {},
pages = {1-13},
Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker , Dipl. Psych. Marc Zirnsak, M. Lappe
Autoren: Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker , Dipl. Psych. Marc Zirnsak, M. LappeDaten:
erschienen: 2008, Journal of Vision, 8(14):1, 1-13
@unknown{Hamker 2008An
title = {{A}bout the influence of post-saccadic mechanisms for visual stability on peri-saccadic compression of object location },
journal = {Journal of Vision, 8(14):1},
year = {2008},
month = {},
pages = {1-13},
Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker , Dipl. Psych. Marc Zirnsak, M. Lappe
Journal of Vision, 8(14):1 pages: 1-13
Erscheinungsdatum 2008
Hebbian learning in a model with dynamic rate-coded neurons: an alternative to the generative model approach for learning receptive fields from natura
Hebbian learning in a model with dynamic rate-coded neurons: an alternative to the generative model approach for learning receptive fields from natura
erschienen: 2007, Network, Computation in Neural Systems, 18, 249-266
@unknown{Hamker 2007Ha
author = {Fred Hamker and Jan Wiltschult },
title = {{H}ebbian learning in a model with dynamic rate-coded neurons: an alternative to the generative model approach for learning receptive fields from natura },
journal = {Network, Computation in Neural Systems, 18},
year = {2007},
month = {},
pages = {249-266},
Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker , Dipl. Math. Jan Wiltschult
Autoren: Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker , Dipl. Math. Jan WiltschultDaten:
erschienen: 2007, Network, Computation in Neural Systems, 18, 249-266
@unknown{Hamker 2007Ha
title = {{H}ebbian learning in a model with dynamic rate-coded neurons: an alternative to the generative model approach for learning receptive fields from natura },
journal = {Network, Computation in Neural Systems, 18},
year = {2007},
month = {},
pages = {249-266},
Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker , Dipl. Math. Jan Wiltschult
Network, Computation in Neural Systems, 18 pages: 249-266
Erscheinungsdatum 2007
The mechanisms of feature inheritance as predicted by a systems-level model of visual attention and decision making
The mechanisms of feature inheritance as predicted by a systems-level model of visual attention and decision making
erschienen: 2007, Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 3, 111-123
@unknown{Hamker 2007Tg
author = {Fred Hamker },
title = {{T}he mechanisms of feature inheritance as predicted by a systems-level model of visual attention and decision making },
journal = {Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 3},
year = {2007},
month = {},
pages = {111-123},
Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker
Autoren: Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker Daten:
erschienen: 2007, Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 3, 111-123
@unknown{Hamker 2007Tg
title = {{T}he mechanisms of feature inheritance as predicted by a systems-level model of visual attention and decision making },
journal = {Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 3},
year = {2007},
month = {},
pages = {111-123},
Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker
Advances in Cognitive Psychology, 3 pages: 111-123
Erscheinungsdatum 2007
On the role of dopamine in cognitive vision
On the role of dopamine in cognitive vision
erschienen: 2007, Attention in Cognitive Systems, L. Paletta and E. Rome (eds.), 352-366
author = {Julien Vitay and Fred Hamker },
title = {{O}n the role of dopamine in cognitive vision },
journal = {Attention in Cognitive Systems, L. Paletta and E. Rome (eds.)},
year = {2007},
month = {},
pages = {352-366 },
Dr. Julien Vitay, Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker
Autoren: Dr. Julien Vitay, Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker Daten:
erschienen: 2007, Attention in Cognitive Systems, L. Paletta and E. Rome (eds.), 352-366
title = {{O}n the role of dopamine in cognitive vision },
journal = {Attention in Cognitive Systems, L. Paletta and E. Rome (eds.)},
year = {2007},
month = {},
pages = {352-366 },
Dr. Julien Vitay, Prof. Dr. Fred Hamker
Attention in Cognitive Systems, L. Paletta and E. Rome (eds.) pages: 352-366
Erscheinungsdatum 2007