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Technische Informatik


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Seiten: 1



Ummay Ubaida Shegupta and René Schmidt and Martin Springwald and Wolfram Hardt
Blended Mentoring in Academic Internship Program TUC OPAC
IN International Symposium on Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Educational Technology (ISCSET-2020), page 84 - 89, IBS , Hauptstraße 14, DE-02991 Lauta, Germany, TU Chemnitz, TUDpress, Verlag der Wissenschaften GmbH, Bergstr. 70, 01069 Dresden, Germany, October 2020. ISBN: 978-3-95908-223-5

Ummay Ubaida Shegupta and René Schmidt and Martin Springwald and Wolfram Hardt
Audience Response System - an Inclusion of Blended Mentoring Technology in Computer Engineering Education TUC OPAC
IN 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), page 1 - 5, TU Chemnitz, IEEE Computer Society, 2020. ISBN: 978-1-7281-8962-8 , ISSN: 2377-634X


Martin Springwald and René Schmidt and Wolfram Hardt
Design of a tool set for automated feedback on scientific writing TUC OPAC
IBS Scientific Workshop Proceedings, IN IBS International Symposium on Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Educational Technology 2019, page 23 - 26, Technische Universität Chemnitz, Fakultät für Informatik, Professur Technische Informatik, Straße der Nationen 62, 09111 Chemnitz, Deutschland, TUDpress, Verlag der Wissenschaften GmbH, Bergstr. 70, 01069 Dresden, Germany, July 2019. ISBN: 978-3-95908-174-0



Martin Springwald and Wolfram Hardt
Entwicklung einer RAD-Plattform im Kontext verteilter Systeme TUC OPAC
IN Chemnitzer Informatik-Berichte, University of Technology Chemnitz, Faculty of Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Str. der Nationen 62, D-09123 Chemnitz, Germany, TU Chemnitz, March 2019. ISSN: 0947-5125

Seiten: 1